Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/554

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1902.

Drury (H. D.) on Hesketh of Cheshire, 263

Dryden (John), his house in Soho, 262 ; his brother in

America, 364, 471

Dual number in provincial German, 215 Dublin booksellers, records of, 184, 228, 428 Du Bois (S.), seventeenth- century painter, 245, 409 Du Cane (Sir E. F.) on Desborough portraits and

relics, 497 Duel, definition of, 102 ; in the seventeenth and early

eighteenth century, 364, 491 Duignan (W. H.) on Cann Office, 451

Icknield Street, 17 Dulwich Gallery, portraits in, 83, 134 Duncan (R.) on portraits, painted and engraved, 231 Dunheved on custice, 16 Dunnet and Dunnett families, 444 Dunnets of Scotland and of East Anglia, 45 Durham (Bishops of), their styles and titles, 324, 493,


Durham Cathedral, lectern in, 483 Dutch fleet captured by cavalry, legend of, 257 Dutton and Seaman families, 67 D'Wyvill (Sir Humphery) and Slingsby Castle, 43


E. (C.) on Theophilus Buckworth : Edward Hyde,

Earl of Clarendon : Philip Bygo, 430 E. (E. R.) on Greek pronunciation, 74

Proper names, spelling of, 41 E. (K. P. D.) on chalking under a pot, 184

Fire on the hearth kept burning, 412

Foscolo (Ugo) in London, 92

Historical documents, destruction of, 339 E. (M.) on quotation wanted, 484 East India Company, flag of, 209, 263 Eastern and Western fables, 241 Easton (W. M. G.) on Duchy of Berwick, 534

Graham (Sir Charles), Bart., 143 Ebsworth (J. W.) on ancient idyl, 286

" Ask nothing more of me, Sweet," 334, 507

"Gentle shepherd, tell me where," 530

" In the days when we went gipsying," 211

Kipling stories, 168

"La-di-da," 270

' Lost Pleiad,' 309

Quotation, source of, 189

Scott quotation, 331

Songs, old, 351

Stinger, 251

Todd (Sweeny), 168 Ecclesiastical peculiars, 71 Edgcome (J. T.), his 'How to be happy tho' poor,'

405, 469

Edgcome (J. T.) on " Your friends will bury you," 469 Edgcumbe (R.) on " Byron's tomb," 241

Casanoviana, 357, 400, 440, 498

' Pseudodoxia Epidemica,' 81 Edgeworth (Maria) and " Le pauvre Diable," 285 Editor on royal borough, 65

Editorial :

Berwick Law, 216

Bull- rings, 236

Coldharbour, 316

Coincidences, 296

Hope told a flattering tale, 536

Editorial :

Independent Company of Invalids at Landguard Fort, 256

Machine : Diligence, 336

Oh dear ! 356

Sadie, 276

'Spectator,' 'Guardian,' Sharpe's editions, 76

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, 176, 436

Wear and tear, 356 Edward VII., origin of rime on, 445, 532 ; his

coronation, 485

Edward (Prince), son of Edward I., his letters, 441 Electric light in theatres, early use of, 294 Electrocute, derivation of the word, 420, 487 Eley (C. C.) on ladle, 94 Ellacombe (H. N.) on Book of Common Prayer, 50

" Hedge " in Bacon's essay, 53 Ellis (A. S.) on site of Brunanburh, 253

Fitz Aldeline (William), 42 Elworthy (F. T.) on ancient boats, 508

Cork leg, 413

Fire at Ilminster, 524

Horn dancers, 444

Larks Field : Barons Down, 372, 453 Elizabeth (Queen), her godmothers, 345, 490 Engiven in the 'History of the Sleaford Holy Trinity

Guild,' its meaning, 424 Enquirer on chaplain to William III., 83

Gore family, 145

Epigrams :

A little garden Jowett made, 69

But as it is, Fred, 224, 306

God bless the King ! I mean the Faith's defender,

445, 533

His namesake, born of Jewish breeder, 82 The Satyrs of old were Satyrs of note, 461 'Tis a very good world, 143

Epitaphs :

Better so. The world in growing, 264 Dorothy Cecil, unmarried as yet, 362, 386, 490.


Here lies Ned H , because he died, 307 Here lyes Hall's Clay, 306

Oft spreading trees malignant winds do blast, 463 Reader, you womld behold inscribed, 421 Sacred to the memory of an officer, 421 This Mary-gold, lo ! here doth show, 121 Tread softly, mortals, o'er the bones, 244

Ermine on Crawford family, 64

' Eros ' and ' Anteros,' their author, 163, 231

Erskine (Mgr.), his biography, 385, 453

Etiquette, books on, 332

Eton College Chapel, removal of woodwork from, 184

Europe, arms of the countries of, 64, 248

European languages, Charles V. on, 523

Evans ( J.) on motto on Venetian coin, 507

Everard (H.) on claymore, 484

Everitt (A. T.) on Anthony Fortescue, 449

Exchange, Royal, erection of the first, 202

Exhibition, International, jubilee of the first great. 139, 272

Execution, marriage saving from, 419

Exoner. use of the word. 525