Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/555

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Notes and Queries. Jan. 25, 1902.



Expenditor, use of the word, 303, 473 Eyeglasses, their antiquity, 145

F. on Turvin coiners, 258, 298

F. (F. J.) on opera- hearers, each with lighted candle,


F. (H.) on quotation wanted, 244 F. (J.) on Marengo, Napoleon's horse, 144 F. (J. J.) on Lamb questions, 135

Rumping, 83 F. (J. T.) on crosier, 50

Parver alley, 514 F. (S. J. A.) on Sweeny Todd, 168

Turn, 233

F. (W. G. D.) on Lords Lieutenant, 404 F (Mr. George) in John Wesley's ' Journal,' 185,


Fables, Eastern and Western, 241 Fair and making fair, 47 Fairy tales, 424, 509 "Fall below par": Kaiser Wilhelm and Rothschild,

110 Family likeness, remarkable instances of, 62, 169,

268, 335, 369, 448 Family queries, 262

Farrer (W.) on Lancashire families, 123 Fathers of the House of Commons, list of, 147 Faucit (Saville) family, 502 Fault in tennis, use of the word in 1526, 121 Fea (A.) on Lord Beaulieu's pictures at Ditton Park,


Vere (Aubrey de), twentieth Earl of Oxford, 505 Federer (C. A.) on kell or keld = a spring of water, 510

Nang nails : nubbocks, 431 Feeding- storm, Sir W. Scott's definition, 13. 147 Fees payable on being made K.C.B. or G.C.B., 105 Felony, rights of peers convicted of, 103, 147 Ferguson (D.) on anaconda, 80 Lake, 49

'Travels of Peter Teixeira,' 45 Ferrar (M.) on alright=all right, 413

  • Anson's Voyage round the World,' 214

Bois (S. du), seventeenth-century painter, 245 Chalice as race cup, 394 Durham Cathedral, lectern in, 483 Fountains Abbey, arms of, 303 Hand- ruling in old title-pages, 110 Little Gidding : Stourbridge Fair, 204 Neptune and crossing the line, 172 Prince of Wales sovereign, 184 Festivals, Hindu, 204, 294, 369 Fetishes, French, 340 Feuillerat (A.) on Peter Lyly, 504 11 Feuilles de lattier," meaning of the term, 86 Field (J. E.} on gold ring found at Dorchester, 183 Fielder family of Bath, 205 Figures on clocks and watches, 385, 465, 514 Fillingham family, 69 Fire at Ilminster, references to, 524 Fire on the hearth kept burning, 204, 412 Fire-fanged, obsolete word, 51 Firth (C. H.) on Pall Mall, 14 Fisher family of Stepney, 124 Fishtraps, old English, 305 Fishwick (B.) on Hesketh of Cheshire, 371

Fitz Adeline (William), his biography, 42 FitzGerald (S. J. A.) on ' The Marseillaise,' 188, 473 Fitz-James family, 439, 534 FitzSimmons (W. J.) on old songs, 472 Flag, the national, 67, 173 ; of East India Company,

209, 263 Fletcher (W. G. D.) on wearing the hat in the royal

presence, 368

Fleur de Marie, first words of French hymn, 304 Flower games, 70, 232, 466 Floyd v. Lloyd, interchange of the names, 141, 329


Burnt sacrifice, 80, 151, 470

Corpse cure, 483

Marriage, 445

Mound burial, 80, 151, 470

Partridge, 202, 288

Sailors and fishermen, 105, '248

Snow-feathers, 403, 494

Spider, 194

Weather traditions, 111, 214, 491 Folk-lorist on burnt sacrifice : mound burial, 80 Forage caps of the Guards, 361, 427 Forbes-Mosse (J.) on Rev. William Mosse, 185 Ford (C. L.) on authors wanted, 89

St. Christopher, 335

Wesley (Charles), George Lillo, and John Home,


Foreigners in Mexico, their designations, 21, 130, 210 Forlong (J. G. R. ) on Capt. Gordon and the Lancas- ter guns at Sebastopol, 452 Forlong (N. R.) on Forlong, 407 Forlong (Major-General J. G. R.), his biography, 365,


Forrest (G.) on portraits of officers, 123 Forshaw (C. F.) on animals in people's insides, 90 Fortescue (Anthony), his biography, 73, 449 Foscolo (Ugo) in London, 92, 153, 311 Foster (Frank), pseudonym of Daniel Puseley, 1814-82,

304, 368

Foster (J.) on badges, 43 Foster (W.) on " Lucky as a calling duck, 484

Nose and nosatame, 484 Fotis on stone pulpit, 325 Fountain and well verses, 242 Fountains Abbey, arms of, 303 Fowke (John), Governor of Drogheda, 325, 387 Fox family of Bristol, 165,288

Fox (George), place-names in his 'Journal, ^40, JO/ Frail, its etymology, 531

Francis, Duke of Guise, date of his marriage, 184, 853 Francis (J. C.) on jubilee of ' Leisure Hour, 518

Pensions, Civil List, 1, 29, 57 Freaks of nature, 482 Frederick, Prince of Wales, son of George IT., lines

on, 224, 306, 371 Freeman (J. J.) on Kipling's ' Vampire,' 392

Pews annexed to houses, 89, 192 French fetishes, 340 Frenchman on nobility, 140 Friendship of eighty years, 341 Frost (F. C.) on West-Countrymen's tails, 334 Fruit stones stored by animals, 263 Fry (J. F.) on " Grand Tour," 115 Fryer (G. E.) on Sir John Fryer, Bart., 507