Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/556

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1902.

Fryer (Sir John), Alderman of London, 343, 507 Fuchsia, origin of the word, 1 4 Funeral cards, earliest printed, 21, 73 Furnivall (F. J.) on arms on mug, 323, 469 Fynmore (R. J.) on expenditor, 473

G. on dowager peeress, 73

G. (A.) on child's book of verses, 404

G. (G. H.) on Antoine de Lafosse in England, 15

G. (J.) on Barbican watch tower, 154

G. (M. N.) on Frederick, Prince of Wales, 371

Marriage saving from execution, 419

National Covenant of 1638, 385 Gadsden (W. J.) on Charles Speke Pulteney, 165 Gad-whip service at Caistor, Lincolnshire, 285 Galloglass, origin of the word, 169 Game, Kentish : all fours, 462 Games : battledore, 21 ; flower, 70, 232, 466 Gantillon (P. J. F.) on phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 426

Friendship of eighty years, 341

Jews as scientists and physicians, 373

Juggins, 69

Ycleping the church, 420 Garage, new word, 143, 230

Gardiner (Prof. S. R.) on Earls of Kinnoul, 123, 228 Gaythorpe (H. ) on shoehorned, 48 Gazehound : greyhound, sixteenth-century etymology,


Gazetted for refusing an honour, 401 Genealogist on family likeness, 169 Genealogy, French, 384 " Gentle shepherd, tell me where," 423, 530 Gentlier as a comparative adverb, 114, 172 Gerish (W. B.) on Larks Field : Barons Down, 264 German, dual number in provincial, 215 German on pronunciation of Wilhelmine, 164 Ghetto, etymology of the word, 186, 349 Gibbons or Gybbons (Thomas), his biography, 443 Gibbs (V.) on Earl of Kinnoul, 123, 228 Gill (T.) on alewives, 451 Gillman (C.) on spider-eating, 409 Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), volume by, 21, 111 Glasgow and Bristol, connexion between, 225 Glasgow University, ninth j ubilee and Pope Leo XIII.,

Glasse (T. A.) on Thomas Glasse, engr-tver, 45 Glasse (Thomas), engraver, d. 1812, 45 Gnomon on artists' mistakes, 1/1

" Blood is thicker than water/' 238

Frederick, Prince of Wales, 306

Malt and hop substitutes, 26

Saying, author of, 528

St. Barnabas's Day, 11 J un , 214

Songs, old, 213

Song wanted, 364

Todd (Sweeny), 27U, 348

Turvin coiners, 350 Godling, early use of the w ,r !, 114 Goldsmith (Oliver), James's powders and Newbery the bookseller, 11, 353; hia publishers, 15, 68; his birthplace, 244, 330

Gomez de la Cortina (Don Joaquin), Spanish biblio- phile, 342, 510

Goodchild (J. A.) on John Voyez, 4o2 Goodfellow (R.) on crossing knives and forks, 433

Good} ere (Sir Henry), date of his death, 67

Gordon (Capt. Alexander) and the Lancaster guns at

Sebastopol, 385, 452 Gore family, 145 Gornall=Troughton, 384 Gornall (H.) on Gornall = Troughton, 384 Gosselin (H. R. H.) on wage = wages, 404

Week-end, 414 Gough (A.) on alum, 113

" Capt. Rock," 54

Huguenot, its derivation, 308

Iveagh, 50

Little Gidding : Stourbridge Fair, 350

Mackesy, 133

Neptune and crossing the line, 171

Pack, 273

Pennington (Sir Isaac), Lord Mayor of London,

1643, 430

Gower (A. F. G. L.) on motto for door of house, 469 Grafton (Duke of) and Lord Thurlow, 405, 454, 513 Graham (Sir Charles), Bart., his will, 143 Graham (W.) on Agnes Musgrave, 84 Grammar, English, 284 Grammatical dictionary, the need of a, 321 Greek pronunciation, 74, 192, 372, 513 Greek spear in the left hand, its significance, 385 Green an unlucky colour, 121, 192 Green (Sir W. K.), error in Christian name, 403 Green Crise or Cryse, its meaning, 384, 511 Greene (Edward Burnaby), his translation of ' Hero

and Leander,' 143, 347

Greenwood (W.) on Redmayne family, 15, 243 Greyhound : gazehound, sixteenth -century etymology,


Grigor (J.) on Mr. Samuel Neil, 222 Grindstones, uses of, 225, 329, 427 " Grin through," painters' expression, 225, 310 Grissell (H. D.) on Monsignor Erskine, 453 Grivegne'e (Baron de) and Power, 170 Grose (J. H.) : 'A Voyage to the East Indies,' 343 Groves (A.) on Mackesy, 46

Tombland, 245

Grundy (Rev. G. D.), his biography, 501 Gualterulus on custice, 94 Guinea, its use, 461 Gun reports, distance heard, 112 Guy of Warwick : Zechariah Hey ward, 339


H. on Duchy of Berwick, 439, 534

Cecil (Dorothy), 490

Dighton, portrait by, 163

French fetishes, 340

" In petto," 443

" Jenkins's ear," 61

Sabbath day, 405

St. Clement Danes, 17, 186, 326

Somerset (the Protector), 122 H. (A. F.) on Crosdill, 124 H. (C. S.) on author of saying, 463

Chain-mail reintroduced into British army, 471 H. (C. W.) on hymnbook used in Horsham Church, Sussex, 523

Simpson (James), surgeon, 424 H. (H. G.) on Cann Office, 304

Forage caps, 427