Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/152

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. FEB. 22, 1902.

Androdicecism (not in). - 1888, Henslow, Orig. Flor Struct.,' p. 227, " Androdioecism signifies the same species has both male and hermaphrodit

P A> idromoncedwn (not in). -Henslow, ut supra, p. 227, " Andromoncecism signifies that the same plant bears both male and hermaphrodite flowers.

AnemopUly (not in). - 1883, Miiller, Fert. Flowers' (tr. Thompson), p. 591, "In a few cases reversion to anemophily has taken place.

Anthophihus (not in). 1883, Mfiller, tf awpm, p. 25, " Anthophilous insects "; ibid., p. 33, Beetles which are anthophilous."

Aplanat (not in). 1901, Brit. Journ. Photog., 1 November, p. 695, col. 1, "The selection of the glasses for his aplanats. These aplanats consist ot strong refracting flint glasses, whose quotient and colour dispersion do not much differ."

Apochromat (not in). 1901, Brit. Journ. Ph-tog., 1 November, p. 693, col. 2, "Remarkably perfect objectives the Abbe apochromats are available.

Apochromatic (not in). 1895, G. K. Davis, ' Prac- tical Microscopy,' third ed., p. 201, "These lenses have been called by Prof. Abbe apochromatic."

Apolamticism (not in). 1894, X. L., ' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil,' p. 6, "He was indeed only fervent in his apolausticism. ; '

Apospory (not in). 1889, Geddes and Thomson, 'Evolution of Sex,' p. 206, "The production of

spores may be suppressed This exceptional

occurrence is technically called apospory.' :

Apotheme (chem., no quot.). 1853, C. Morfit, 'Art of Tanning,' p. 55, "Apotheme is also an accompanying product of the slow conversion of tannin and tanning solutions by exposure to air. It is a dark brown substance, soluble in water, and is the source of the objectionable colour of several kinds of leather."

Apprenticeage (obs.). 1797, Monthly ^ Mag., in. 303, " An apprentissage of three months is sufficient to learn the nature of this trade."

Apriorist (not in). G. B. Shaw, 'Fabian Esscays in Socialism,' 1890, p. 177, "The apriorist notion that among free competitors wealth must go to the industrious."

Apron (shipbuilding, earlier). 1711, Sutherland, ' Shipbuilder's Assistant,' p. 25, " Raising the stem and false stem (or apron) together."

Archivsthetism (not in). 1901, Nature, p. 482, col. 2, "By a mixture of 'use-inheritance' (Kineto- genesis) and Lamarck's neck-stretching theory (Archtesthetism)."

Archoplasm (not in). Geddes, ut supra, p. 98, " Within the last year Boveri has drawn attention to a special element in the protoplasm, which he calls archoplasm."

Argon (not in). 1895, Times, 1 February, P- 6, col. 4, "Argon, a new constituent of the atmo- sphere."

Ante (not in?). 1848, G. Biddlecombe, 'Art of Rigging,' p. 73, "A heart, or dead-eye, is seized in the bight, with a splice at the arse of the heart." Ibid., p. 89, "The standing-part of the fall makes fast to the becket in the arse of the single-block.'"

Artisticism (not in). 1891, H. Herman, 'His Angel,' p. 40, " Our present-day, lackadaisical, sham artisticism."

Aryanisation (not in). 1890, I. Taylor, 'Origin of Aryans,' p. 212, " The Aryanisation of Europe doubtless resembled that of India."

4stay (cf. Astays). 1607, Topsell, ' Hist. Four- footed Beasts' (ed. Rowland, 1673), p. 125, "The

inhabitants of Caramair and Carib do drive astay the dogs."

Auntship (earlier). 1813, ' Sketches of Character,' i. 109, "Won't your auntship take cold without your usual number of petticoats?"

Automobile, Automobilist (not in). 1902, Munsetfs Mag., February, p. 699, "They purchase their automobile without an idea as to its manner of con- struction. This is alike unfair to the manufacturer and to the aspiring automobilist."

Avalanchy (not in). 1894, G. M. Fenn, 'In Alpine Valley,' i. 117, " Rather an avalanchy place."

Axes (obs.). 1893, Crommelin, 'Bay Ronald,'

i. 283, " Amos wagged his head slowly, grumbling

that his boy had got the axey."

Azoxy (not in). 1894, Times, 15 August, p. 12, col. 1, " Very interesting in point of fastness to light were the azoxy colours."


Redmorion, Woodside Green, S.E. ( To be continued. )

DISAPPEARING CHARTISTS. Samuel Bart- lett, whom MR. CECIL CLARKE mentions in an interesting note (ante, p. 86), was not much known as a Chartist outside Chelsea. I do not remember his name in early Chartist days. The Charter was drawn up by Place in 1838. I was a few months older than Harney, and we were both young men in the Chartist movement at the time it took the field. We first met at Birmingham at the Bull Ring Riot in 1839. I was living in the town then. It does not seem long ago. There must be some yet living who, if not prominent, may have been in the ranks ; but in a few years more all the pioneer Chartists will disappear, as the Waterloo veterans have. W. H. Chad- wick is counted the oldest living Chartist in Manchester. He is seventy-five or seventy- six and still appears on the platform. I had not only knowledge but friendship with Julian Harney, Feargus O'Connor, Thomas Cooper, Rev. Joseph Rayner Stephens, Bronterre O'Brien, Joshua Hobson, James Watson, Henry Hetherington, John Cleve, Henry Vincent, Linton, Gam mage, George White, William Lovett, John Collins, and many others. Collins and I were Sunday- school teachers. He was much older than I. In 1848 I was appointed to address the delegates at the Convention, who the next day were going to Kennington Common with a great petition. I was a member of the last Chartist Executive with Feargus O'Connor, who would ask me to walk round Covent Garden with him and talk things over on nights when he was earlier than other members. In Brighton we lately buried William Woodward, who was in his ninetieth year. He was a real old Chartist, who came from prison to Brighton seventy years ago. Like Harney, he was one of the