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9. g. ix. FKB. 22, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


attached to Ball's tavern. Cunningham had seen a token of this tavern, with that name upon it, of the reign of Charles II., and quotes the following from D'Avenant, 'The Long Vacation in London' ('Works,' 1673, p. 289) :

But Husband gray now comes so stall, For Prentice notch'd he strait does call : Where 's Dame, quoth he, quoth son of shop, She's gone her cake in milk to sop : Ho, ho ! to Islington ; enough ! Fetch Job my son and our dog Ruffe ! For there in Pond, through mire and muck, We '11 cry hay Duck, there Ruffe, hay Duck.

Thomas Cromwell, in his 'Walks through Islington,' 1835, p. 198, says that the tavern was the " Salutation," and that the token alluded to represented two male figures in the costume of the day, each bowing, hat in hand, while an inscription surrounds them and covers the reverse, containing the words "John . Ball . at . the . Boarded . House . neere , Newington . Greene . his . penny." J. HOLDEN MACMlCHAEL.

1 LES LAURIERS DE NASSAU,' SMALL FOLIO, 1612 (9 th S. viii. 464). * Lea Lauriers de Nassau ; ou, Description des Victoires gagnees par les Etats du Pays-bas sous la Conduite du Prince Maurice de Nassau,' fol., Leyden, 1615. It is considered only a translation of the last piece of the Dutch work ' Nassaure Laurekrans,' by Jo. Jans Orlers ende Hen- rich van Haustens, fol., Leyden, 1616.


LADY LOUISA STUAET (9 th S. viii. 505). Although I am unable to answer MR. LEVI'S inquiry, it may interest him to know that some long and interesting communications relating to this lady appeared in 5 th S. iv. 484, 524 ; v. 110, 177, 193, 256, 313.


71, Brecknock Road.

COMPULSORY COSTUME FOR JEWS AND CHRISTIANS (9 th S. viii. 521). It is stated that the Jews so late as 1736 were at Avignon and other parts of the Pope's dominions compelled to wear hats of a yellow colour (Atkenceum, 16 April, 1898, p. 493).

Southey, quoting from Kennett's ' Paro- chial Antiquities,' says that Henry III. ordered that the Jews, when they went abroad, should bear on their upper garments a badge of two white tablets on the breast, made of linen, cloth, or parchment, so as to distinguish them from Christians ('Com- mon-Place Book,' First Series, p. 460).

N. M. & A.

" OWL IN IVY BUSH " (9 th S. vi. 328, 396 ; vii. 16, 116). The last reference gives 1678 as

an early instance of the above proverb. The following quotation from Miss Ciuwys- Sharland's recently printed (from MSS. in the British Museum) ' Story Books of Little Gidding, 1631-2,' p. 221, goes still further back. The Guardian is relating to his little community in the great hall of the manor house a story of Sir Thomas More's about the disagreement of a jury in the Pypouder Court at Sturbridge Fair :

"Nay, stay, I pray, Mr. Dickinson (that was his name\ sayde the Southerne [the other jurors were North-Country men] Jurer ; meethinks both reason and law are on the defendants part. With that they all fell upon him, as an Oule in an ivie bush. With what doe your two eies see more than our two and twenty ? "

The "Pypouder Court" was a temporary court held at the principal fairs to dispose of petty cases on the spot :

" From Fr. pied and poudre because the litigants are commonly country people with dusty feet : or from the Dispatch in determining the Causes even before the Dust goes off from their Feet." Bailey, 1727.


Little Gidding.

STONE PULPIT (9 th S. viii. 325, 394, 489 ; ix. 56). Another famous stone pulpit is that in the ancient refectory of the Abbey of St. Werburgh (now Chester Cathedral) ; the room was used for many years for the grammar school. I was at school there from August, 1875, to the spring of 1877, when the school was transferred to the new building between the cathedral and the Town Hall Square. A fine plate (by J. H. Le Keux) of the pulpit and its details will be found in Mr. J. H. Parker's ' Mediaeval Architecture of Chester ' (1858). Mr. Parker says :

"The eastern part of the refectory, now the King's Grammar School, is a very fine Early English vaulted chamber, with a beautiful stone pulpit and staircase to it, one of the finest examples vre have remaining. The windows at the back of this beautiful pulpit and of the passage leading to it have unfortunately been walled up ; it would be a great and easy improvement to have them reopened and glazed."

This has never been done. The room is now used only as a practice-room for the cathedral choir. The good Churchmen of the Chester diocese could not more fitly celebrate the coronation of King Edward VII. than by opening out this fine room to the original length, and filling its windows with really good stained glass.

T. CANN HUGHES, M.A., F.S.A. Lancaster.

A choice little engraving of the stone pulpit standing south-east of the Abbey