Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/164

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. FEB. 22, 1902.

PORTRAITS OF FEMALE FIGHTERS (9* S. ix. 68). A portrait of the well-known warrior Hannah JSnell, who fought and was wounded twelve times at Pondicherry, and was pensioned by the Duke of Cumberland, will be found in the Victoria Gallery of the Chelsea Public Library. It may be added that Mrs. Spragg, "who, long declining wedlock and aspiring above her sex and age, fought under her brother, with arms and manly attire, in a fire-ship against the French for six hours on the 30th June, 1690," is buried in Old Chelsea Church. The sentence quoted above is part of the inscription on her monument there. CHARLES HIATT.

Your correspondent includes, under the above heading the Chevalier d'Eon, who at his death was proved to have been a male. His portrait will be found in Kirby's ' Wonderful and Eccentric Museum,' 1820, vol. iv., and Wilson's ' Wonderful Characters/ 1821, vol. iii. There is a biographical sketch in Granger's ' Wonderful Museum,' 1807, vol. v., but no portrait.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

There is a portrait of "Phebe Hassel, aged 106," in Hone's ' Year-Book,' p. 105. In the account of this redoubtable woman which accompanies it is the following note :

"In looking over the drawings of Mr. Chatfield, the artist (No. 66, Judd Street, Brunswick Square), I found a line full-sized portrait of Phebe Hassel, which that gentleman sketched at Brighton in her lifetime, and has obligingly copied for the engraving before the reader."

Several notes concerning Phebe or Phoebe Hessel, or Hassel, have appeared during the last year or so in the Antiquities column of the East London Advertiser. A drawing of her gravestone in Brighton Churchyard is to be found in 'Curious Epitaphs,' by William Andrews, F.R.H.S. (1899).

Some twenty years ago I remember seeing a biography of the Chevalier d'Eon which contained a number of portraits taken at various periods of his life.

JOHN T. PAGE. West Haddon, Northamptonshire.

DENHAM, LAIRD OF WISHIELS (9 th S viii 484 ; ix. 56).- A pedigree of the Denholms or Denhams of Westshield, deduced from Andrew Denham of Braidstain, who married Marion Liddell, heiress of Westshield, will be found prefixed to the memoir of Sir James Steuart Denham, Bart., of Colt-ness and Westshield which forms part iii. of the ' Coltness Collec- tions, printed for the Maitland Club 1842

In the churchyard of the parish of Dunlop

co. Ayr, stands a monument which includes effigies of the Janet Denharn mentioned at the first reference, and the Kev. John, alias Hans Hamilton, her spouse, with an inscrip- tion. It was erected in 1642 by the first Lord Clanboyes. An outline engraving of it faces p. 24, part i. vol. i. of ' Selections from the Family Papers preserved at Caldwell/ printed at Glasgow, also for the Maitland Club, in 1854. R. E. B.


NAME (9 th S. viii. 504 ; ix. 30).- Kinborough is not unlike Cyneburgh, but Kimmerjum seems far removed from " Cyneburgh's home." And still a place so pronounced (but spelt Kimmerghame) has perhaps from this begin- ning derived its very curious name. It lies (mansion-house, mains, and mill all called alike) in the centre of the Merse in Berwick- shire. On the north it is bounded for two miles by the river Blackadder. On the south it runs to within a mile of the old Saxpri village of Swinton. In the later centuries the name has altered little. In Bleau's 'Atlas,' c. 1648, it is spelt Kymmerjemm ; but when we get back to the early Coldingham char- ters in Raine's 'North Durham,' it assumes quite a different character. In charter dxliii., date c. 1240, we find it as Kymbringeham and Kinebriggeham ; in charter cxvii., datec. 1200. it is Kyneb'gham ; in charters ccccxxxv. and ccccxxxvi., date c. 1100, it is Cynebrihtha and Cynebritha ; and in charter vii., also c. 1100, it is Chynbrygh a m. Now DR. MURRAY quotes Bseda to the effect that in 653 Cyneburgh, daughter of King Penda of Mercia, was married to Alchfrid, son of Oswiu, King of Northumbria. Perhaps he will tell me if he agrees with my idea that Kimmerghame was this lady's Northumbrian home.

I ought to add that Kimmerghame is under fifty miles from Bewcastle. There stands the celebrated cross erected in memory of Alch- frid's victory, and on it, according to the newly published history of Cumberland, the name of Cyneburgh is clearly decipherable.


The Wed more parish registers record the baptism of Kimboroe, daughter of James Montague, on 11 September, 1584. In Feb- ruary, 1609, she (Kinbora) is married to Richard Reriion. In December, 1661, she (Kinborough) is buried. S. H. A. H.

BALL'S POND ROAD. NORTH LONDON (9 th S. viii. 461). The paragraph preserved by MR. HIBGAME, giving the origin of this name, does not contain any mention of the fact that the " pond " was a famous ducking-pond