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9 th S. IX. FKR. 22. 1902.]



Sunday schools. His brother Robert was th proprietor, printer, and editor of the venerable Gloucester Journal ; and if I could see the broadsheet I could no doubt readily recognize the type of Robert's printing office. The Archbishop of Canterbury and other in fluential men and representatives of in fluential bodies have memorialized the Glou- cester municipal authorities to repair anc restore the Raikes and other Sunday-school monuments. The Rev. Richard Raikes was buried in the churchyard of St. Mary de Lode. His tomb is rapidly decaying, and ii it be not speedily repaired it will disappear. This is to be deplored, especially when so many persons visit Gloucester as the shrine of Sunday schools. H. Y. J. TAYLOR.

3, Falkner Street, Gloucester.

HOUR OF SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE (9 th S. ix. 67). Much collateral evidence may be seen at 8 th S. xii. 269. Thomas Scott, the commentator, had a sermon and a celebration on alternate Sundays at 6 A M. at St. Mar- garet's, Lothbury, 1785-8 ('Life,' ninth edition, 1836, pp. 149-51). See Ration's ' New View of London,' 1708, vol. i. p. xxxvii. W. C. B.

In North Lincolnshire sixty years ago the Sunday morning services in the churches usually began at ten o'clock, but I have heard that in some few places an older custom was followed and nine continued to be the hour. COM. LING.

CLAYTON FAMILY (9 th S. ix. 68). In Came- ron's ' History of the Royal College of Sur- geons in Ireland' John Clayton is named, at p. 72, as one of the original brothers of the Gild of Barber- Chirurgeons under the charter of James II. of 10 February, 1687. In the lists of the members of the Gild in the original records now in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, the name of John Clayton does not appear, but in tho first list after the charter of James IT., dated 22 July, 1688, one of the brothers is given as "John Creighton," with "gone away" written after his name. No will of any medical man named John Clayton, nor grant of letters of administration of his effects, is to be found in the Public Record Office, Dublin, amongst the records of the Prerogative Court, or the Consistorial Court of the Diocese of Dublin.

The ' D.N.B.' is in error in describing the father of Robert Clayton, Bishop of Clogher, as "Dr. Robert Clayton, minister of St. Michael's, Dublin." He was the Rev. John Clayton, M.A., rector of St. Michan's, a totally different parish from St. Michael's, mentioned in the Act 9 Will. III. c. 16

(Ir.), by which the old parish of St. Michan's was divided into three distinct parishes. As the Rev. John Clayton does not appear to have been a graduate of the University of Dublin, he is possibly the John Clayton, son of Richard Clayton, of Preston, co. Lancaster, who obtained the degree of M.A. at Oxford in 1682 (see Foster's ' Alumni Oxonienses ').

E. T. B.

CUCKLAND (9 th S. viii. 384, 510). Because Cuckhamsley Hill, in Berkshire, seems to be the A.-S. Cwickelmes-hlce'tv, it certainly does not follow that all our cucJc names are from Cwichelm. Cuck is normally a variant of cock: cf. Chaucer's cokkoiv = cuckoo, and cokewold= cuckold. HY. HARRISON.

WARLOW FAMILY (9 th S. ix. 9). The name of Warlow is an old Pembrokeshire name, yet it is not of Welsh origin. Neither is it Flemish nor Norman, but most probably of Danish or Norse origin. It is found as a surname in Pembrokeshire about the time of Henry III., and occurs several times in the Bronwydd MS. in connexion with the district of Kemeys, a district which was conquered by a Norman knight, Martin of Tours.

There was a Thomas Warlaugh who died in 1274, and there is extant an agreement between him and Robert de Valle respecting lands at Morvill and Redwalles ('Arch. Cambren.,' 1862, p. 27, supp .). Then there were David and Philip Warlagh or Warla, whose names occur on several Latin docu- ments in connexion with Newport, Pern. 'Fenton, p. 72, appen. ; 'Arch. Cambren., 1 1862, p. 60; Owen's 'Pern.,' p. 189, part ii.). There does not appear to be a pedigree of the family published, but the name appears several times in ' Dwynn's Visitations ' (vol. i. pp. 74, 116, 168, 175, 244). It is also found in Law's ' Little England beyond Wales,' p. 432. There is a river and town of the name of Warnow in Mecklenburg, indicating a Norse origin. H. A. R.

A similar question appeared in ' N. & Q.' upwards of forty-four years ago (2 nd S. iv. 69), to which no reply has been given. The querist then suggested that the name was

Flemish, and that it might be connected with Warlock, through the softening of the final

etters of that word.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

EAST INDIA BADGE (9 th S. ix. 67). The [ndexes of * N. & Q.,' under ' Merchants' Marks,' will reveal many references which Furnish several ingenious explanations of this figure 4. W. C. B.