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9*8. IX. MARCH 15, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


The point is an interesting one, although there is small likelihood now that it will over- be definitely settled ; but of one thing we are assured on the best critical authority, that it was an Englishman and not a German who composed the tune, and that the Prussians have borrowed it from us, not we from them. It seems almost a pity that the Kaiser William II., universal genius as he is, does not himself invent a national anthem for the use of his own people, so that the English and the German airs might for the future be separate and distinct. PERCY CLARK.

[' God save the King ' was discussed at great length in 8 th S. x., xi., xii.]

WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers maybe addressed to them direct.

DEFOE AT TOOTING. An obstinate local tradition asserts that Daniel Defoe was living at Tooting-Graveney about the year 1688, and that he was active in the formation of the first Nonconformist congregation there. Mr. Thomas Wright and the other biographers of Defoe accept the story, but, apparently, on grounds of tradition alone. Morden's ' History of Tooting - Graveney ' (1897) contains unqualified statements to the effect that neither in the parish records nor elsewhere is there any evidence of Defoe's residence or his association with the Noncon- formist meeting, and that the house (Tooting Hall) which was thought to have been Defoe's was, in fact, built a century later, and used as the parish workhouse. Is any evidence of the tradition accessible 1 S. K. R.

PRECEPTORY OF DINMORE. I shall be grateful for information of any history or records of this ancient religious establish- ment in Herefordshire, the grant for which was made to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John by Richard I. Lord Coningsby's 'Marden' and Duncumb's 'Herefordshire' give only meagre information. I cannot find any reference in Dugdale.


Alperton Park, Wembley.

HIGH STREET, OXFORD. No. 90, High Street, adjoins the western wall of Barry's new buildings at University College on the south side of the street, and, standing upon land which belongs to Christ Church as the successor to Oseney Abbey, apparently

occupies the site of Broad gates Hall in St. Mary's parish. Wood mentions this hall as a special abode of illuminators. Two large panelled rooms form the width of the second and third stories, respectively, of the present frontage, which immediately faces the gateway-tower of All Souls'. The upper room, the walls of which are entirely panelled in wood, stained white, is divided into an eastern and a western portion by folding-doors. The plaster ceiling is divided into compartments oy beams, but only the plaster upon the beams is now decorated with patterns once probably coloured or gilt. The western fireplace has an elaborate carving above it of the temptation of Eve. The figures of Adam and Eve Jacobean, I suppose, in date almost stand out in the round from the panelling at their backs. The subject of the eastern chimney-piece is Abraham's sacrifice, and is in two compart- ments. The figures contained therein are quainter in design than those of Adam and Eve, but are not carved in nearly such bold relief. On the left appears the procession to the place of sacrifice : Isaac first with the laden ass; secondly, accompanying his father. A scroll attached to Isaac's mouth asking "Where is the Lam" is answered by one issuing from Abraham's, saying " God wil provide." On the right Abraham's sword is arrested in act to strike by the angel, who cries "Abraham, Abraham" ; while the ram is shown caught in a thicket. Below the figures appear the following verses. On the left :

Behold the father of the faithful seede.

Was heere approued : to be sound in deede.

For being warnd of God : to sacrifice.

His sonne Isaack : most pretious in his eyes.

Forthwith obedient was at his command.

And slayes his sonne had not God stayd his hand.

On the right :

The antitipe of Christ : was he in this. For God His only Sonn : did slay for his [?]. And if Christ crucifid : thou desirst to see. This to a Christian : crucifix may be.

Not for to worship : as intent.

But only for thy chambers ornament.

Do these lines occur elsewhere in this con- nexion, and what is the missing word in the penultimate line ? A. R. BAYLEY.

CARLYLE AND SCRIPTURE. Encouraged by the fully satisfactory reply of my friend W. S. S. to the query ' Carlyle on Symbols ' (ante, p. 27), I would broach another question as to the writing of the same philosopher, even though in doing so I expose my igno- rance. There are two books which in Eng- land perpetually offer themselves to proverb,