Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/28

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. ix. JAN. 4, 1902.

" While other men search among the images of the very instructive. Mr. J. B. Firth writes on ' Public mind for that poetry which they would impute to Readings in Ancient Rome '; Dr. Strauss depicts Nature, Wordsworth" and awaiting only a

impossible, however, ^ _ _

idea of the value of the essay. M. Georges Bourdon, Duncombe. ' A Smuggler's Diary,' by W. H. late manager of the Odeon, has been commanded Hunt, in Longman's gives some account of the by the French Minister of Fine Arts to inquire price of things at the close of the penultimate into the organization of foreign theatres. Beginning century, but is not very stirring. ' What we with England, he has sent to the Fortnightly a Breathe' deals naturally with microbes. 'Catch- summary of his observations on ' Staging in French ing Mullet at the Land's End' is readable. Mr. and English Theatres.' He awards a hearty pre- Lang's 'At the Sign of the Ship' remains the most ference to the English stage, and has much to say interesting portion of the magazine. In the present about the triumphs, mechanical and poetical, instalment he answers Mr. Edward Garnett, who obtained at Drury Lane, Her Majesty's, the Hay- had volunteered some criticism, deals with an market, Lyceum, Wyndham's, &c. Mr. Tree's antiquarian controversy on some marked and per- mounting of ' Le Chemineau' (' Ragged Robin') and f orated stones found at Dunbuie and Dumbuck, Sir Henry Irving's mounting of 'The Bells' are and has something to say concerning advertiae- lecially eulogized. M. Ren6 Doumic writes on | ments for books wanted. The French Drama in 1901,' which he depicts as in a very flourishing condition. It is satisfactory to find that he regards M. Hervieu and M. Brieux as the

leading dramatists, and that the bubble of M. Ed- .

mond Rostand, whose popularity is one of the most f bringing in the boar's head on Christmas Day at whimsical features of the day, seems to have been Queen's College, Oxford, was omitted last year, pricked. M. Doumic deals briefly with the present the cause being the lamented death of the senior condition of the Comedie Franchise. Mr. Stobart Fellow of the college, Mr. Henry George Madan, writes nn ' TViA " Tr.ihViov Or- "/->? w^^nn T^i^u^^^,j I \f A whinn took place at his residence near

J5 . He was the eldest son of the Rev.

Queen of Scots, and the Mystery of the Casket George Madan, for many years rector of St. Mary

Letters.' His article, giving a good insight into a Redcliffe, Bristol, and the brother of Mr. Falconer

matter concerning which the general public has Madan, sub-librarian of the Bodleian, Fellow of

little information, is principally derived from Mr. Brasenose College, an old contributor to our

Lang s ' Mystery of Mary Stuart,' reviewed in our I columns.

last volume. It is accompanied by a portrait of

Mary by Clouet at present in St. Petersburg, and

by a reproduction of 'La Reine Blanche' of the

same artist. Not wholly satisfactory is Lady

Stanley's account of her treatment of her own , . , -

pets given under the title of 'Tragic Blunders.' 1

A personage quite so thoughtless should not keep

pets. ' Tunnelling the Alps ' describes the attempts

OUR old correspondent the RET. JOHN PICK- , M.A., notes that the time-honoured custom


We must call special attention to the following

being made to lessen the journey on the Simple from Brigue to Domo d'Ossola. 'The Trau-do.

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. To secure insertion of communications corre-

^ ion

.,,-., Wikisource-bot (talk) Trap-door

Spider tells a remarkable story of the attempts

ot spiders to guard themselves against implacable , - -

enemies. Ihe story of the Portland Vase is told sponderits mus t observe the following rules. Let

  • iji v As( ^ tners see Us ' gives American cartoons e ^ Gn note, query, or reply be written on a separate

rirTxT st atesmen. Mr. Max Beerbohm writes sli P of paper, with the signature of the writer and s Naming of Streets 'very whimsically, but I -? uch address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous

- . ,, , . entries in the paper, contributors are requested to

.ed. It supplies much interesting corre- Put in parentheses, immediately after the exact dence with celebrities, English and American, heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to has manv nortraits a.nrl nt.Vioy A^^^ New w kir.h f.V><^r ^ofa*. n

ic uaimug 01 streets' very whimsically, but also very sensibly -In the GornhiU ' Thackeray in the United States,' by General James Grant Wilson

is continued. Ti

spondence wi

and has many portraits and other designs". " New I which "they refer. Correspondents who repeat A i? WAT be 8 m j>y Anthony Hope and Mr. queries are requested to head the second cora- Hnii^-^if^' , b?J a u r?. s can be judged, Mr. munication "Duplicate."

a'nd 1


N - NEVILLE.-" Upward, of a hundred pounds

co . - .

cowardice. ' At the Justice's Window ' by Mrs i s a P ur P sel y vague way of saying " More than a

Woods, depicts negro life. Under the title 'The hundred "



h-Century Place-Hunter ' Mr. Innes Shand I REPLIES on ' The Mitre ' and ' The West Bourne KicftardKigby the parasite of the Duke of have been received without signature to identify

Ihe Great Duchess,' by Mr. Street, is the writer, of course, the Duchess of Marlborough. <ALon- NOTICE.

carTYessSbout it? e i XC? llent at the outset; we .Editorial communications should be addressed to t its closing pages. In ' A For- " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' "-Advertise- Mutton writes about Shenstone, ments and Business Letters to "The Publisher" he at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E. C. of We beg leave to state that we decline to return

from%Th7aSi^^^ communications which, for any reason, we do not

orary lS not very good nor | print; and to this rule we can make no exception