Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/431

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9*s. ix. MAY 31, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 423

1831. By Robert Cruikshank. Ten designs en- graved on wood by G. W. Bonner. London : William Kidd, 6, Old Bond Street. 12mo, 36 pp

N.d. By J. B published by Richard Griffin & Co. London & Glasgow. Oblong 4to, yellow paper cover.

Separate sheet songs :

N.d. Jack Ratlin a favorite Song sung by Mr Bannister in Liberty Hall, Composed by C. Dibdin. Pr. 6W. London Printed Sold by Preston at his Music Warehouse, No. 97 Strand. W T here may be had just publish'd by the above author *The Race Horse. Price 1*. *The Bells of Aberdovy. Price


Jack Ratlin, A favorite song. Sung by Mr Bannister in Liberty Hall, composed by C. Dibdin. Price Is London Printed & Sold by W. Boag at his Music Shop No 11 Great Turnstile Lincoln's Inn Fields.

Jack Ratlin London Printed and Sold bv

Preston. Pr. 1*.

All three versions of ' Jack Ratlin ' folio, 4 pp., front blank. On fourth page are versions for " Guittar " and Flute.

1785. (Museum date, doubtful.) *The Fisherman, Song, words beginning "I am, d'ye see," by Mr. Lonsdale, music by C. Dibdin. Folio.

1786. A Match for a Widow : or, the Frolics of Fancy, a a [sic] Comic Opera, in three acts. As per- formed at the Theatre- Royal, Dublin London : printed for C. Dilly, in tha Poultry. MDCCLXXXVIII. [Price one shilling and six-pence.] 8vo, viiiand64pp. Three acts and an epilogue.

Dedicated to Richard Daly, Esq., Patentee and manager of the Theatre Royal, Dublin. Here the author says of the piece : " It was then transmitted to Mr. Dibdin in London,

who embellished it with his harmony

you in the spring of 1786 gave it a fair trial before an Irish audience." This is the only trace I have been able to find of a great deal of work done by Dibdin for Daly (most of it not paid for) under an agreement entered into on 1 October, 1785. Can Irish antiquaries help me to further particulars ?

1786. *The Fortune Hunters; or, You may say That, musical piece written and composed by C. Dibdin. performed at Sadlers Wells.

1786. The Devil: containing a Review and In- vestigation of all Public Subjects whatever calcu- lated to Furnish the World with every material intelligence and Remark, relative to Literature, Arts, Arms, Commerce, Men, Measures, the Court, the Cabinet, the Senate, the Bar, the Pulpit & the Stage : which together with all other of the various Topics that excite universal Curiosity will be treated with no less firmness and freedom than fairness and candour. The whole self -evidently intended as a disinterested & handsome Tribute to the Liberty of The English Press By a Society of Literary Gentlemen. Printed by Denew & Grant No 91 Warden r Street & sold by W. S. Fores No. 3 Piccadilly C C->uch Stationer Curzon St Mayfair & by all the Booksellers in Town & Country.

The first number, 12mo, 16 pp., price two- pence-halfpenny, was published 2 October, 1786, " to be continued weekly." No. 1 seems

to have reached a third and Nos. 2 and 3 a second edition. The first volume was com- pleted by the thirteenth number. The whole seems to have been reprinted. No. 14 had

fr g u 8 ^ r N V 16 was P riced threepence and I published for the proprietors by J. Stevenson, I Martlet Court, Bow Street, and sold at their 1 office, the Pandemonium, the corner of New Round Court in the Strand. The last number I have seen is No. 9 of vol. ii., dated 18 Feb- ruary, 1787. The Devil was chiefly, if not entirely, written by Dibdin.

1787. Harvest - Home. A Comic opera, in Two Acts. As performed, with universal applause at the Theatre-Royal, in the Hay-market. By Mr S? London : Printed for Harrison and Co. No. 18 Paternoster- Row. MDCCLXXXVII. Svo, 27 pp. First performed 21 May, 1787.

This brings the record of Dibdin's activities up to the commencement of his musical tour.

E. RIMBAULT DIBDIN. Mornmgside, Sudworth Road, New Brighton. (To be. continued.)

THE BACON SHAKESPEARE QUESTION. (Continued from p. 363.)

MRS. POTT would not allow that Bacon used many of his * Promus ' notes in his acknow ledged work, but Dr. Theobald admits that at least 500 of them can be traced. In his book Dr. Theobald has made out a list of such notes as have been traced by Baconians ; but it is quite clear from this list that the followers have been too busy groping blindly into other men's works to be able to find time to devote to the master himself. Hundreds of notes, some of which Bacon uses many times over, are not mentioned in Dr. Theobald's list. It is very strange that so many willing workers, in all parts of the world, who pro- fess to know Bacon's work so well, should be ignorant of matters which so vitallv concern Bacon's own work ; for I need hardly observe that a thorough knowledge of the manner in which a man uses his notes is absolutely neces- sary in cases where it is desired to reclaim other work, supposed to be his. The omis- sion to work the * Promus ' properly with Bacon is so strange to me that I often ask myself whether the Baconians have essayed the task and stopped short because they per- ceived that such conscientious work would be fatal to their theories.

One note very frequently used by Bacon, and which Baconians could not help recording, although they fail to remark on the marvel- lous number of times it figures in the master's work, is the following : 375. "Declinat cursus aurumque volubile tollit." Bacon's note, of course, has reference to the fable of Atalanta