Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.



Heraldry :_

Arms of Dutch East India Company, 9, 118. 272

312, 411

Arms of married women, 28, 113, 195 Arms of Scotland, 17 Az., on a chev. arg., 387 Az., three crowns or, 133 Bar sinister, 64, 152, 215, 315, 376 Coat of arms, its etymology, 447 Continental municipal, 386* Dexter, a lion rampant, 368 Fretty sable, 387 Gu., a chev. between three fleurs-de-lis or, 290, 492 Heraldry before the Conquest, 124, 290 On a shield three arrows per bend, 388 Sa., afessearg., 68, 192 Sa., on a bend, between a talbot courant, 189 Sa., on a pale or three torteaux, 189 Sa., three garden lilies argent, 241, 330 Vaire, ar. and gu., on a canton, 147, 293 Herbert (G.), line in his ' Flower,' 228 Heroina, use of the term in seventeenth century, 509 Heron- Allen (E.) on " Ce n'est que le premier pas qui

coute," 219

Corpse, cure by hand of, 34 Herpich (C. A.) on Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, 282

Source of the " Seven Ages," 46 Herrick : " silver-pence " in his 'Oberon's Palace,' 49, 178, 478 ; "lutes of amber" in his ' Hesperides,' 408, 471 Heslop (R. O.) on adulation extraordinary, 31

Buff week, 372

Heuskarian rarity in the Bodleian Library, 111, 415 Heyford Free School, early rules, 41, 175 Heyton (Sir Alan de), his descent, 248, 396 Hiatt (C.) on ancient ships still afloat, 66

Brummel (Beau) and Barbey d'Aurevilly, 8 Building in Gothic period, 475 Chocolate, 214

Contemporaries impersonated on the stage, 224 Coronation dress of bishops, 507 Discovery in churchyard of Malvern Priory, 106 Griffin (Gerald), 508 Portraits of female fighters, 156 Shropshire place-names, 449 Window glass, 150 Hibgame (F. T.) on death of the trumpet-major at

Balaclava, 465 Opie (Mrs.), her novels, 267 Pictorial postcards, 228 Higham (C.) on ships of war on land, 214

' Trial of the Spirits,' 284

High-faluting, origin of the word, 176, 217, 313 Hill ( A. F.) on Musicians' Company of City of London, 9 Hill (R. H. E.) on curious bequest, 428 Redemption of captives, 1659, 149 Hippoclides on intentions, 233

Portuguese naval supremacy, 219 'Historical English Dictionary,' additions to, 143, 262,

363, 402, 482

Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Brook and Brookes families, 167 Hockley (R. C. C.) on Cerney Manor, Cirencester, 448 Hodges family, 209 Hog, etymology of the word, 305, 411 Hogan (J. F.) on Vancouver, 34

Hognel or Hognayle money, 116

Hollicke or Holleck, Tottenham, its history, 403

Holme (Robert), of Wearmouth=Anne Middleton, 129

Holt family at Winchester, 164, 294

Holyoake (G. J.) on disappearing Chartists, 144, 251,

496 Home (John), C. Wesley, and G. Lillo, thought co-

incidence, 51, 313 Hone (N.) on manor court rolls of Bradford and Wils-

den, Yorks, 289

Honorincabilitudinitas, use of the word, 243, 371, 494 Hood (Tom), his 'Comic Annual,' 1830-40, 188, 336 Hooper (J.) on anchoress in the land of Leodium, 429 Bilingual wills, Latin and English, 407 Shields, derivation of the place-name, 384 Hope (A.) on heartsease, 392 Hope (H. G.) on duels, 94

Iron Duke and Duke of Wellington, 466 Manners and customs of Shakespeare's time, 494 Minas and Empecinados, 350 Shelley's ancestry, 510 ' Zincali,' 113

Hopeful and sanguine, difference between the words, 467 Horn dancers, 11, 117 ' Hosannas to the King,' anthology of Coronation odes,


Houndsditch, inhabitants of, 348, 438 Housden (J. A. J.) on Coronation sermons, 501 House of Commons, new hours of business in the, 465 Houses, pews annexed to, 31 Hoyle (Edmond), hia treatise on backgammon, 1743,


Hozier (H.) on daggering, 507

Hudson (C. ) on quotation attributed to Coventry Pat- more, 467

Hughes (T. C.) on Sir Nicholas Bacon, 69 Barras, 133

Dawbarn's ' Builder's Price List,' 427 Dickensiana : phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 172 Dissington family, 97 Harvest bell, 231 Horn dancers, 117 Oldest borough in England, 114 Outrider, 115

Staunton, Worcestershire, 92 Stone pulpit, 157 Wyrall, 109 Hulme family, 249 Hunt (Leigh), 34 Hunter- Blair (Sir D. 0.) on Earl of Cromartie, 219

Evolution of a nose, 445 Hussey (A.) on Canterbury records, 498 Seasalter, 189 Pack, 496 Swaylecliffe, 329 Hutchinson (J.) on London libraries in the Elizabethan

era, 414

Rene=a small watercourse, 435 Rudyerd (Sir Benjamin), 456 Hutchinson (T.) on green an unlucky colour, 234

TJVtn tVio font* " 31 4

Hop the twig, Huxley : as a reviewer, 168, 838

Bible, 328, 374, 432, 476 Hymns Ancient and Modern,' 36 I. on Canterbury records, 408

his eulogy of the