Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/544

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Notes and Queries. July 26, 1902.

I. on inquests, 408

Whitsunday, 1593, 408 I. (D. C.) on funeral folk-lore, 108 I. (J. H.) on exhumation of Henry IV., 433 I. (B. U. S.) on St. Peter in Chains, Tower, 192 Ibague on babies in the eyes, 516 Bibliography of the bicycle, 231 Lectern in Durham Cathedral, 375 Machine= public coach, 515 Mitre, the, 174

Impey (J.), Westminster scholar, 1809, his biography, 9 In petto, misuse of the term, 58, 151 Index making, 348, 485 Indexes, General, of ' N. & Q.,' 300 India, overland journey to, and Mrs. Col. Elwood, 428 India, travels in, Eleanor and Emily Eden on, 307 Infinitive, the split, 172 Ingleby (H.) on Waterloo engravings, 107 Inglis MSS. at Oxford, description of the, 347, 430 Ingram (B. S. ) on artists' mistakes, 372 Ingram (J. H.) on book-titles changed, 432

Darley, a forgotten Irish poet, 474 Initial for forename in serious verse, 227 Inland Revenue, sale of stamps forbidden by the, 288 Inquests in olden times, reports of coroners', 408, 475,


Inquirer on portraits wanted, 368 Insanity and genius, kinship of, 269, 430 Intentions, matiimonial, earliest use of the term, 233 Irish in Pembrokeshire, 77 Irish badges, 133

Irish names in manuscript book, 148 Iron Duke and the Duke of Wellington, 466 Irving (Frances B.), 107 Isle of Dogs, origin of the name, 165, 397 J. (B. R.) on Mrs. Thrale's house, Streatham Park,


J. (D.) on Sir Henry Cromwell, 166 J. (F.) on 'Gambler Detected,' 67 Hoyle on backgammon, 426 Rout, 335

Soldiers' card-games, 384 J. (W. C.) on Krskine, 249 Jack=knave, early use of, 145 Jack-in-the-pulpit, flower name, 387 Jackson, Under-Secretary of State, temp. George III., !


Jackson family, co. Durham, 149 Jacob (Mrs. E.) on Coronation .song, 507 Jacobite lines, 449

James the Deacon and Aysgarth, 173 Japan, regalia of, 224

Jay, woodland bird, origin and meaning, 308, 414 Jerram (C. S.) on Ullig=Chri.stmas in Manx, 57 Jerrold (0.) on Lupo-inannaro, 476 Jerrold (W.) on Gregory Lewis Way, 128 Jerusalem, discoveries at, 126 Jesson (G.) on Moat's ' Stenography,' 29 Jesus, smallness of the infant, 149, 297 ; saying attributed to by Philoxenus, 326 ; miraculous like- nesses at Tiberias and Berithus, 481 Jews, and patriotism, 7 ; and Christians, compulsory

costume for, 157, 298

Jews' Way: Jews' Gate : Jews' Lane, 508 " Johnian pigs, " 117

Johnson (H.) on England with many religions and one sauce, 472

Eulogies of the Bible by Huxley and Darwin,

374, 476 Johnson (Dr. S.), last survivor to have seen him, 467 ;

lines attributed to, 330, 391

Johnston (A. H.) on token found in the Strand, 268 Johnston (Barbara), her ancestors, 14 Jonas (A. C.) on heraldry before the Conquest, 124

Londres, 151, 515 Jones (E. M.) on Louis Philippe and family at " Star

and Garter," Richmond, 129

Jonson (Ben), his repetitions, 145, 192 ; and Shake- speare, 282

Jubilee of the ' Leisure Hour,' 3, 24, 95 Junius, Mr. Jackson and the letters of, 63 K. on royal tennis court and Nell Gwyn, 69 K. (H.) on Queen Cunegunda, 334 K. (H. G.)on Dissington family, 18

Parish registers, their care and protection, 168

St. Heliers, 45 K. (L.) on line of Browning, 47

Lee (Nat), 328

Omar queries, 368 K. (L. L.) on alright = all right, 72

Arms of continental cities, 472

Arms of Dutch East India Company, 9, 272

"Bishop of Brooks," 286 Borrow's ' Zincali,' 113 Gipsy vocabulary, 268 Rout, 65

Kane (John), a forgotten actor, 26 Kathmath, a precious stone, its meaning, 50 Keating (James and Alfred), Westminster scholars,


Keats (John), autograph poems by, 281 Keith (Alexander), Westminster scholar, 128 Kelly, Westminster scholars, 68 Kemp, woolsorter's definition of, 225 Kennett (Bishop White), his father, 365, 455 Kent (William), first British subject born in New

South Wales, 1799, 206, 272, 291, 351 Kenyon (Lord), his ' Letters,' 248, 434 Kerr ( E.) on portraits of female fighters, 68 Keys to novels, 118

Kinborough as a female Christian name, 30, 156 Kindon (Ann), ob. 1790, her biography, 447 King (C.) on Admiral Fonte's voyage, 268

Dalrymple on fur trade, 87 King (F.) on Francis Spiera's despair, 491 King (John), language master, London, 1722, 227i

372 King (Thomas) and Sir Sewster Peyton, duel between,


King's Champion, institution of the office, 507 Kingsford (W. B.) on " With affection beaming," 175 Kingsman (G. W. and T.), Westminster scholars, 108 Kipling (Rudyard), his American publications, 5, 89 ;

  • The White Man's Burden,' 220 ; ' City of Dreadful

Night,' 289 ; " Eve stood at the Garden gate," 114 Kirjath-Jearim, Jewish name, 32 Kirk (S. J.) on author of poem wanted, 88 Kirkby (John), author of ' Automathes,' his bio- graphy, 373 Kittens used as charms, 49