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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.

Sacral, use and meaning of the word, 69

Sailors, origin of stripes on collars of, 347

St. Anthony, coloured print of, 69, 297

St. Bees, her biography, 267, 436

St. Briavel, Cambro-British saint, 9, 30, 193

St. Clement on Gordon riots, 68

St. Clement Danes Church, Strand, 52, 136, 252, 394

St. Edward's shrine : ' Textus Sancti Edwardi,' 486

St. George on Mrs. James Denn or Denne, 109

St. Heliers, statue of George II at, 45, 138

St. James's, Court of, use of the term, 84

41 St. James Street " mentioned in ' Will Book ' of

St. Margaret's, Westminster, 286 St. Kilda, island, origin of the name, 54 St. Lawrence (Harry), West Indian landowner, 289 St. Margaret's Church and Westminster benefactors,

181, 242, 303, 382, 463 St. Omer Convent, eighteenth century, list of girls in,


1 St. Patrick's Hymn before Tara,' lines in, 309, 396 St. Paul and Seneca, 290, 351, 497 St. Peter's, Rome, inscription on obelisk in, 109, 255 St. Swithin on Antwerp Cathedral, 433

Appeasing a ghost, 225

Boon for bookworms, 453

Bore or boar and other fashionable slang, 352

Cellini and Shakespeare, 308

Comic dialogue sermon, 17

Crossing knives and forks, 357

Fountain -pregnant, 28

French towns, surnames derived from, 16

Georges I.-IV., 164

Herrick : silver-pence, 178

High-faluting, 313

Hopeful : sanguine, 467

Lectern in Durham Cathedral, 375

Line of Browning, 173

Mitre, the, 334

Mourning Sunday, 498

Parver alley, 72

Rampant, 485

Smallness of infant Jesus, 149

Stepmother=mother-in-law, 445

William IV., 446

Window glass, 272

Ycleping the church, 216

Youthful year, 158 St. Teilo, his body, 96

St. Vincent eruption of 1718 and Daniel Defoe, 461 Salt folk-lore, 228, 352 San Sebastian, Spain, siege and capture of in 1813,

448, 496

Sanderson (Bishop), his descendants, 448, 511 Sandford (W.) on San Sebastian, Spain, 448 Sandys (George), his ' Paraphrase upon the Divine

Poems,' 1638, 305, 395 Sanguine and hopeful, their difference, 467 Santiago penitents, 1743, account of the, 309 Sarpi (Father Paul), his ' Letters,' 1693, 81, 170 Sarts and their language, 94 Sathalia, other forms of the place-name, 250 Saulie.s, its derivation, 108, 151, 250 Savage (E. B.) on Manx Gaelic, 11

UHig=Christmas in Manx, 56 Savage (T.) on translator's name required, 468

Sawe in mandate dated 1369, its meaning, 75

Saxon names for meat still current, 305

Sea beggars, origin of the term, 449

Seal, inscription on, its meaning, 329

Seal of the Great Steward of Scotland, 205

Searcher on metempsychosis among the Swedes, 187

Seasalter, place-name, its origin, 189, 417

Sellon (M. G.) on Molyneux, 148

Seneca and St. Paul, 290, 351, 497

Sermon, comic dialogue, 17

Sermons, metrical, 352 ; Coronation, 501

Sesame, origin of the name, 284

Seven, its association with place-names, 98

"Seven Ages," source of the, 46, 197, 298, 432

SSvigne' (Madame de), criticism on her character, 64

Sexten. See Argentine.

Sewers, Commission of, history and duties of, 76

Seymour (T.) on old spoons, 479

Scaliger (Julius Caesar), notes in book by, 281

Scattergood (B. P.) on Chapman family, 187 Cooper's ' Athense Cantabrigienses, ' 248

Schank (L. A. V.) on 'Mrs. Carnac,' by Sir Joshua Reynolds, 346

School rules of Prestonkirk parish, 226

Scotch church in London, 227

Scotland, arms of, 17 ; seal of the Great Steward of, 205 ; the songstresses of, 465

Scots : " Famous Scots," 161

Scott (J.) on Baron de Grivegne'e and Power, 91

Scott (Reginald), his ' Disco verie of Witchcraft,' 387

Scott (R. F.) on John Kirkby, author of ' Automathes,' 373

Scott (Sir Walter), epigram on, 331

Scripture, quotations from, and Thomas Carlyle, 207

Sea, its pronunciation, 413

Shakespeare and Lodge, 46, 197, 298, 432; Shake- speare-Bacon question, 141, 202, 301, 362; his vocabulary, 167 ; Steevens's edition, 1802, 188 ; Sir Henry Irving on, 245, 414 ; and Ben Jonson, 282 ; and Benvenuto Cellini, 308, 416 ; manners and customs of his time, 494 ; cipher-story biblio- graphy, 509

Shakespeariana :

Antony and Cleopatra, Act II. sc. 2, "Tended

her i' the eyes," &c., 222, 342 Cymbeline, Act I. sc. 3, " For so long as he

could mark me," &c., 223 Hamlet, Act I. sc. 1, "As stars with trains of

fire," 342

2 Henry IV., Act IV. sc. 4, 486 Macbeth, Act I. sc. 2, " Which ne'er shook hands," 343 ; Act I. sc. 4, "In drops of sorrow. Sons, kinsmen, thanes," 343 ; Act I. sc. 5, "And that which rather thou," 343 Measure for Measure, Act IV. sc. 3, "At the

consecrated Fount," 343 Tempest anagram, 70 Sharp (C. ) on cockade of George L, 428 Sheldon (G.) on 'Life,' by Mrs. Barbauld, 67 Shelley (P. B.), his cottage at Lynmouth, Devon, 74 j

his ancestry, 381, 509 Sherborne (Lord) on England with many religions and

one sauce, 472 Wassailing the apple-tree, 338