Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/555

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.



Sheres : Kny vett : Downes, 394

Sheridan and Maginn, 305

Sheriffs of Staffordshire, 1699-1730, 342, 415, 514

Sherwood (G. F. T.) on questions of pedigree, 245

Shields, place-names, their derivation, 384

Shimraozzel, Jewish cant word, 12, 395

Shinnanickin' : hannicrochemens, 165

Ships, ancient, still afloat, 66 ; of war on land, 214,471

Shirley (Sir Robert), d. 1638, envoy of the Shah, 50

Shorthand, in the fourth century, 406, 498 ; in the

third century, 446 Shropshire place-names, 449

Shrove Tuesday and Christmas decorations, 86, 217 Sibree (E.) on The Tempest ' anagram, 70 Sibyl or Sybil, its orthography, 297 Sibylline oracles, English or French translation, 289, 391 Siddons (Mrs.), her house in Upper Baker Street, 224,


Side- whiskers for whiskers, 145 Sidney (P.) on Brandon, executioner, 9, 151 Siena Cathedral, incised pavement representing the

" Seven Ages," 432 Sieveking (A. F.) on Beau Brummel and Barbey

d'Aurevilly, 110 Sigma on Corbyn family, 88

Fashion in language, 228 Signatures of bishops, 9, 118, 239, 272 Siguenza, cathedral church of, and Thomas a Becket, 344 Silver, Newcastle, marks on, 369 Silver-pence in Herrick's ' Oberon's Palace,' 49, 178, 478 Simeon (S. ) on epigram on women, 288 Simplicissimus on gun, 192

Week, 277

Skeat(W.W.) on filbert, 177 Greek pronunciation, 475 Tennis, origin of the name, 454 Skirret, its meanings, 108, 219 Slang, "bore" or " boar,' 152, 352 ; Anglo-Indian,

266, 373, 455 ; fashionable, of the past, 368, 495 Sleeping garments, earliest use of, 213, 315 Smail (A.) on Michael Bruce and Burns, 209, 469, 512 Smallpox, toads as a cure for, 426 Smith (A.) on Vancouver, 132 Smith (E.) on Yttingaforda, 426 Smith (G. G.) on Clifford's Inn, 389 Smith (J. de B.) on "The moss covered bucket," 257 Smith (J. E.) on ' Hamlet,' I. L 115 sq., 342 Smith (Sir Nicholas), of Devon, M.P., his descendants,


Smith (Richard^, ob. 1675, his library, 347, 433 Smith (Sir Thomas), 1556-1609, of Parson's Green, his

biography, 29, 132, 373 Smyth (H.) on stoning the wren, 234 Snodgrass surname, 866, 496

Snowdon : Knockers' Llyn and Llyn Coblynau, 229, 353 Soldiers' card games, their names, 384 Somerset (Duke of), his widow's residence at Han- worth, Middlesex, 148, 218

Songs and Ballads : Beggar's Petition, 76 Charlie is my Darling, 401, 511 Come, all ye lads of high renown, 388, 492 Coronation, 507 Gentle shepherd, tell me where, 113, 416

Songs and Ballads:

Jenny of Monteith, 288

La Blanche Fe*e, 168

Little Tafflin, 347, 391

My father kept a horse, 388

O saw ye my father, O saw ye my mother, 147, 233

Once the gods of the Greeks, 77, 254

Sweet Richard, 168

The doctor [?] his medical man doth tend, 388

There was a miller, he had three sons, 388

Will ye no come back again ? 401, 611 Songs, pseudo- Eurasian, 327 Southam (H.) on bottled ale, 18

Barrosa token, 248

Black bottles for wine, 276

Frail, 96

Parrye (Blanche), 284

Tudor (Lady Mary), 194

Yard of ale, 255

Southwell (T.) on Willughby's Ornithology,' 468 Sparke (A.) on author of books wanted, 232 Spatchcock, meaning of the word, 16 Spelling reform, 349

Spenser ( Edmund), supplement to his ' Faerie Queene,' 28 Spider poison, 449

Spiera (Francis), lawyer of Cittadella, ob. 1548, 389, 491 Spoons, marks on old, 348, 416, 479 Staffordshire, Sheriffs of, 1699-1730, 342, 415, 514 Stage, contemporaries impersonated on the, 224 Stallage, pillage, and toll, meaning of words, 35, 395 Stamp collecting, 438

Stamps, sale of, forbidden by the Inland Revenue, 288 Standsfield (John), of Lewes, his second wife, 309, 414 Star-lore, 227, 357 Staunton, Worcestershire, its postal address, 11, 92,

110, 170, 217, 334 Steele (R.) on Crapelet bibliography, 289

" Romans des Douze Pairs," 290 Steer of wood or bark, its meaning, 509 Steevens's 'Shakespeare,' Boydell, 1802, 188 Steggall (C.) on Annunciation, 433

Standsfield, 414

1 Stemmata Chicheliana, ' Nos. 256 and 258, 468 Stephens (F. G.) on Brandon, executioner, 70

' Gambler Detected,' 149 Stepmother = mother-in-law, 445, 517 Stevenson (A. P.) on "Oh, life so short ! " 72 Stevenson (R. L.) and W. E. Henley, 161 Stewart (C.) on Button family, 492 Stilwell (J. P.) on castor sugar, 417 Stocks, movable, 136

Stoffel (Dr. C.) on poetry needs no preface, 509 Stone pulpits, 56, 157, 356 Stowe Missal, 98, 150 Strand, token found in the, 268, 373 Strawberry leaves in ducal coronets, 153 Streatham Park, Mrs. Thrale's house at, 509 Street (E. E.) on castor-oil plant, 73

Chocolate, 489

Olive : olivaceous, 357

Post-fine, 316

Pre- Victorian M.P.s, the last of, 378 Strohling (Madame), singer, circa 1830, 347 Stronach (G.) on honorificabilitudinitas, 494 Strong (H. A.) on barracked, 232