Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/557

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.



Ullig = Christmas in Manx, 56

Uneda and other old contributors to ' N. & Q.,' 426

Uniform, Windsor, 268, 292

Upcott (William), 1790-1845, autograph collector, his

cottage, 368, 454

" Upwards of," use of the expression, 20, 446, 516 Urllad on date of old clock, 68

Yard of ale, 84

Utilitarian, earliest use of the word, 197 V. on W. E. Phillips, 129

Skirret, 108 V. (Q.) on bora or boar and other fashionable slang, 152

Groat, 84

Hog, 411

Hognel or Hognayle money, 115

Honorificabilitudinitas, 494

Late, 86

Pillage, stallage, and toll, 35

1 Rotuli Scotiae,' 1814-9, glossary, 29

Sawe, 75

Stepmother = mother-in-law, 517 V. (W. I. K.) on President Adams, 57

" All Cooper's ducks with me," 127

Chocolate, 53

Cliffe, epitaph at, co. Kent, 8

Dickensiana : phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 13

'Dirty Old Man,' 428

' Dream of a Queen's Reign ' : ' God save the Queen,' 201

Earliest printed instructions to Sunday-school teacheis, 69

Forster (Capt. S.) to N. Tilson, 105

Harvey and circulation of blood : inedited poem, 26

London M.P.s, 75

Lord Mayors' pageants, 216

" Ludi magister," 86

St. Clement Danes, 136 V.-W. (H. S.) on Earl of Cromartie, 107

Fenton (Sir Geoffrey), 171

Parish registers, entries in, 33

Smith (Sir Thomas), of Parson's Green, 132 Vade-Walpole (F. 8.) on William the Conqueror's half

brothers and sisters, 36

Vancouver (George), circumnavigator, 34, 132 Vapo on compulsory costume for Jews and Christians,298

Exhumation of Henry IV., 433 Vedas, earliest Kuropean mention, 55 Vicufia, its etymology, 186 Villiot (J. de) on English translations, 410 Volcanic eruptions, 461 W. (C.) on American edition of Dickens, 387

Manners and customs in Shakespeare's time, 387

Scott's (R.) ' Discoverie of Witchcraft,' 387 W. (C. C. J.) on Ben Jonson's repetitions, 192 W. (E.) on Llyn Coblynau: Knockers' Llyn, 229

Whitridge, publisher, 388 W. (G.) on German letters, 509 Snow-feathers, 112

Star-lore, 227

Wind folk-lore, 148 W. (G. C.) on Michael Bruce and Burns, 414

" 'Twas April, on the verge of May," 387 W. (G. H.) on Bristow family, 329

W. (H.) on mummers, 87 W. (J.

B.) on sworn clerks in Chancery before 1765, 408

W. (S.) on " The " as part of title, 428 *

W. (W.) on machine = public coach, 413

Wade (S. C.) on Markoe or Marcou family, 87

Wage = wages, 134

Wagues, folk-word of S. Lancashire, 204, 255, 318

Wainewright (J. B.) on Greek epigram, 273, 372

Verses wanted, 76 Waldby arms, 448 Walker (B.) on flint-glass trade, 365 Walker (R. J.) on CLIIL, 88

Kipling's ' City of Dreadful Night,' 289 Walks, royal, history of, 244, 378 Wallace-James (J. G.) on aeronautics, 177

Chaplains, 93

Children's affirmations, 375

Denham, Laird of Wishiels, 56

Inglis MSS. at Oxford, 347

Kathmatb, a precious stone, 50

Old school rules, 226

Paying rent at a tomb in church, 38

Skirret, 219

Wallace-James (L.) on old spoons, 348 Waller (Edmund), his kinsmen, 381, 509 Walpole (G.) on cockertonized : garage, 365 War : " The First War," 1642-1646, 389 Warburton=Werburh'sTown, 153 Ward family, 189, 351 Ward (C. S.) on President Adams, 58

Anchoress in the land of Leodium, 516

Castle Carewe, Pembroke, 490

Genesis i. 1, 377

St. Bees, 437

St. Paul aud Seneca, 351

Sea beggars, 449

Tedula, a bird, 516

Tudor (Lady Mary), 73 Ward (J. L.) on Colne Grammar School boys and

weddings, 386 Ward (K.) on Sir Geoffrey Fenton, 107

Morgan (Sir Thomas), of Arkstone, 9

Smith (Sir Thomas), of Parson's Green, 29 Warden (G. C.) on window glass, 87 Warens (Madame de), picture of, 369 Warlow family, 9, 155, 351 Warlow (G. H.) on Warlow family, 9 Warren = Clegg, 187,313 Warton (Rev. Anthony), 1657, 47, 158 Wassailing the apple-tree, 287, 338 Waterloo engravings, 107 Waterproof clothing, introduction of, 95 Watson family of Barrasbridge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,


Watson (G.) on Shakespeare r. Bacon, 414 Watson (J.) on " bar sinister," 215

Minas and Empecinados, 188

Watson (Jane L.), her ' Songstresses of Scotland,' 466 Watson (Thomas) and the Earl of Oxford, 101 Watson (W. S.) on the cross prostrate, 349 Watts (G. J.) on Warren and Clegg. 187 Watts- Dunton (T.), his 4 Aylwin,' 229, 353, 369, 450 Way (Gregory Lewis), 1756-1799, author, 128, 195 Waynflete (Bishop), his arms, 331 Weald, name of part of Essex, 147 Weare (G. E.) on machine= public coach, 116 Wearing apparel, distraint on, 1790-4, 86