Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/558

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1902.

Weddings, schoolboys at, 386

Week, etymology of the word, 147, 277

Week-end, use of the phrase, 476

Weeks or Weekes, clockmakers, circa 1654-1713, 8

Weeks's Museum, Tichborne Street, 8, 97, 212, 297

Welby (A. E.) on inquests, 519

" Moniales de Clinton," 407 Welford (R.) on adulation extraordinary, 30

Georges I. -IV., 354

Oldest borough in England, 236

Outrider, 17

Price of eggs, 277

Snow-feathers, 292 Wellington (Duke of), picture in periodical, 308 ; and

the title Iron Duke, 466 Wells (B.) on knife under boulder, 408 Welsh, east wind in, 229 Welsher : Welshing, 400 Welshman on ' History of Mansell,' 448 Wesley (Charles), Lillo, and Home, thought coinci- dence, 51, 313 West Bourne in topography of London, 51, 92, 190,

269, 291, 375, 456 West Indian records, 87, 198 Westerham Quakers, 348 Westminster benefactors and St, Margaret's Church,

181, 242, 303, 382, 463 Westminster city motto, selection of, 485 Wharton (Philip, Duke of), epitaph at Poblet, in

Cataluna, 326

Wheeler (S.) on Georges I.-IV., 354 Whips in the House of Commons, origin of term, 197 Whit Sunday in 1593, 408, 453

White (Sir Thomas) and Sir Henry Cromwell, 166, 274 White (W. S.) on Clayton family, 68 Whiteway (Martin), his will, dated 2 Jan., 1644, 428 Whitridge (H.), publisher circa 1739, 388 Whitwell (R. J.) on merchants of Luk or Lukes, 56

St. Edward's shrine: 'Textus Sancti Edwardi,'486

Shakespeare's vocabulary, 167 Wienholt (E. C.) on Brown family, 228

Marks on table linen, 427 " Wild-cat " company, origin of the term, 405 Willcock (J.) on Gillespie Gruamach, 486

Isle of Roseneath, 128

Portrait of Charles I., 328 William the Conqueror, his half brothers and sisters,

36, 111

William IV., numerical interest of his title, 446 Williams (T.) on St. Briavel, 194 Wills, bilingual, Latin and English, 407 Willson (C. H.) on Napoleonic quotation, 408

St. Paul and Seneca, 290 Willson (C. H. S.) on chronograms, 127 Willughby's ' Ornithology,' 1678, passage in, 468 Wilmshurst (T. B.) on entries in parish register, 34 Wilsden, Yorks, its manor court rolls, 289 Wilson (Rev. Andrew), vicar of Easingwold, 1635-

1713, 289, 377 Wilson (C. B.) on fashion in language, 353

Ratlings, 288

Salt folk-lore, 352

Wilson (R. D.) on mess of pottage, 384 Wilson (T.) on arms wanted, 368

Mitre, the, 174

Spelling reform, 349

West Bourne, 93

Youthful year, 57

Wilson (W. E.) on manners and customs in Shake- speare's time, 494

Snodgrass, a surname, 497 Wimpole Street, rents in, 85 years ago, 88 Winchester and Eton Colleges, arms of, 241, 330 Wind, east, in Welsh, 229 Wind folk-lore, 148, 338, 512

Window glass, earliest use of, 87, 150, 213, 271, 374 Windsor uniform, 268, 292 Wine, black bottles for, 7, 175, 276, 411 " Wisdom " in Ecclesiasticus, use of the word, 426 Wolfe's 'Burial of Sir John Moore,' 83 Women, epigram on, 288, 378 Woodworth (Samuel), 1785-1842, his "The moss-

covered bucket," 148, 257 Word-coinages, curious, 347, 494 Words, American : linkumfiddle, 355 Wren, stoning it to death, 108, 234 Wren (Sir Christopher), mallet used by, 346, 493 Wright (C. T. H.) on London Library Catalogue, 167 Wright (G. W.) on 'Sterumata Chicheliana, ' 468 Wronghead (Sir Francis), in 'The Provoked Hus- band,' 448

Wrottesley (F. J.) on mase, 369 Wroughton (B. C.) on baptismal font, 447 Wych Street, Danish origin of the name, 268 Wye, legend of the spirit of the, 189 Wyrall, its meaning, 109, 131 X. on lurden, 185 Y. (B.) on sale of stamps forbidden by the Inland

Revenue, 288 Y. (C. F.) on silver ornaments, 109

Sunflower ornament on crucifix, 67 Yacht, a royal, 244, 311 Yard of ale, glass measure, 84, 255 Yardley (E.) on birthday cake with candles, German custom, 96

Bruce (Michael) and Burns, 471

'Hamlet, 'I. i. 115 sq., 343

Petosiris and Ptolemy, 51

Rossetti's ' Ruggiero and Angelica,' 476

"Seven Ages," source of the, 197, 298

Sibyl or Sybil, 297

Yarrow, mistake in reference to, 386, 477 Year : Dante's allusion to the youthful year, 57, 158 Yeo (W. C.) on ancient boats, 194

Flower games, 116

Pews annexed to houses, 32 Ygrec on Numidian coins, 129

Parish registers, their care and protection, 337

Sacral, 69

York on Waldby arms, 448

Yttingaforda, place-name in ' Saxon Chronicle,' 426 Yucca, its etymology, 285 Z. (X. Y.) on presentation at Court, 408 Zoar Chapel, Southwark, its demolition, 73