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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. JAN. 25, 1902.

turns towards heaven, and their habit of looking for a religious meaning in every thing. Are many instances known of sun flowers or other flowers being placed on a cross behind the head of Christ 1 C. F. Y.


expression occur anywhere in Shakespeare's works ? It is quoted in a letter to the Times of 10 January as being his, and the editor gives it special prominence by using it as a headline. I had always understood it was Middleton's, as it certainly forms the title of one of his plays. I should be glad to know whether he borrowed it from Shakespeare or not. E. F. BATES.

Kew Gardens.

[The phrase is not in Shakespeare. It appears to have been proverbial. Nicholas Breton so named a pamphlet issued in 1603. Middleton's play was acted and printed in 1608.]

DATE OF OLD CLOCK. I have an old grand- father's clock made by " Wm. Lasseter, Jun.," of Arundel. Can any one enable me to trace its date, and was the maker well known 1


[William Lasseter was a maker of long-case clocks at Arundel about 1770.]

LORD MAYORS' " PAGEANTS." Can any of your readers possibly furnish the title and name of author of the printed "Pageant" of each of the following Lord Mayors of London 1 Mr. G. E. Cokayne, in his interest- ing book ' The Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London, 1601-1625,' issued in 1897, appears to have omitted these five as being unknown to him. I presume they are " very rare." Sir Thos. Cambell, 1609 ; Sir Wm. Craven, 1610; Sir Edw. Barkham, 1621; Sir Peter Proby, 1622 ; Sir Martin Lumley, 1623.

E. C.

KELLY. Four boys of this name were admitted to Westminster School in 1786. Their Christian names were (1) Hinton, (2) James Francis, (3) John Francis, and (4) Montague Henry. If any correspondent of N. & Q.' can help me to identify them I shall be greatly obliged. G. F. R. B.

CLAYTON FAMILY. Can any Irish con- tributor, or any one having access to suitable records, give information respecting a certain John Clayton who was an M.D. in Dublin (see Cnetham Soc., 'Norris Papers,' p. 51) and brother of Wm. Clayton, M.P. for Liver- pool, who died 1715? I have reason to believe that the individual for whom I inquire was father of John Clayton, Dean of Kildare, and grandfather of Bishop Robert Clayton of

Clogher. The 'Nat. Diet, of Biog.' is in- correct as to the parentage of the bishop. W. STUART WHITE.

OXFORD DIOCESAN ARMS. Who are the three royal ladies whose heads are charged on the shield borne by the diocese of Oxford 1 The arms of the see are thus blazoned : Sa., a fesse arg. ; in chief, three ladies, couped at the waist, heads affronte, arrayed and veiled of the second, crowned or ; in base, an ox of the second, passant over a ford, barry wavy arg. and az. In regard to these persons Dr. Woodward, in his invaluable work on 'Eccle- siastical Heraldry' (London, 1894), writes thus :

"Probably the heads in chief should be rather of kings than of queens, and they, like the crowns in the University arms, niay refer to the Royal Founders of the University."

Possibly some one may be able to enlighten me on this point. H. BASKERVILLE.

GOWER. W T anted the connexion between the Gowers of South Wales and Lord Trent- ham of Trentham. (Mrs.) J. COPE.

13c, Hyde Park Mansions, W.

PORTRAITS OF FEMALE FIGHTERS. I should be very grateful if any one could tell me if they know of any portraits extant of the fol- lowing women, as I am anxious to find some to illustrate an article on ' Women who Fought': Phoebe Hassel (or Hessel), Mary Ralphson, Jenny Cameron (Jacobite), Anne Oetzliffin, Chevalier d ; Eon (1761), Cathe- rine II. of Russia (wife of Peter III.), any of "The Furies" during the Reign of Terror, " William Roberts," the Manchester heroine, Peggy Monro, Susan Frost, Mrs. Dalbiac,Rose Lacombe, Marie Adrian, Mary Schlienck (or Shellenck), Martha Glar, the Maid of Sara- gossa, and Miss Wheeler (of Cawnpore).


The Eves, Chapel-en-le-Frith,

GORDON RIOT.S. Can any one inform me where I can obtain any precise information about the houses which were destroyed in the Gordon riots ? Some sort of inquiry must have been held on the subject. If so, is the evidence now at the Public Record Office? One of the houses was that of Marmaduke Langdale, a distiller in Holborn. Was he related to the Lord Langdale of the period 1


"STREAM OF TENDENCY." Matthew Arnold has the expression " the stream of tendency, in which all things seek to fulfil the law of their being." Emerson has also the phrase 'a "or "the stream of tendency," probably