Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/97

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so greatly as they must have done if Mr Rush worth's house was beyond Crawford' means when ' Mansfield Park ' was written ?

C. C. M.

CHALICES OF WOOD. At what date were chalices of wood forbidden? Du rand us say* by Pope Urban and the Council of Rheims in^874, but De Caumont writes: " Le pape Leon IV. (IX e siecle) defendit de se servir de calices de bois ou de verre. Cette defense fut renouvelee par le Concile de Tibur, tenu en 895" (' Abecedaire d'Archeologie,' 1886, p. 116). The Rev. John O'Brien, in his 'History of the Mass,' fifteenth edition, n.d., but circa 1879, says, " Sometimes, too, in diffi- cult circumstances chalices of wood were used The canons of King Edgar of Eng- land (tenth century) wholly interdicted chalices of wood " (p. 71). His authority is Bona, 'Rev. Liturg.,' to which I have not access. Mr. Walter Lowrie, whose ' Christian Art and Archaeology,' 1901, is the most recent handbook and one of the best, puts it thus : " Vessels of glass, of the baser metals, or even of wood were, in fact, used by poor churches till late in the Middle Ages" (p. 343). A chalice (more properly a mazer) bearing date 1567, with a wood cup and silver stem, belonging to St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, was exhibited at the Glasgow Exhibition last year ; it is figured in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1882-3, p. 141, but it is not quite in point, and I only mention it in case some reader should kindly refer me to it. I have read the communica- tions in 8 th S. ii.

WILLIAM GEORGE BLACK. Ramoyle, Dowanhill Gardens, Glasgow.

ROYAL PERSONAGES. (See 9 th S. viii. 184, 252, 349.) Some of my former queries remain unanswered, and I shall be much obliged for replies.

I have found it necessary to affix dates in order to avoid confusion.

1 desire to know the places of birth and death of the brothers and sisters of George III., and the dates of funerals of the first two princesses only :

Louisa Anne, b. 8 March, 1749 ; d. 13 May, 1768.

Elizabeth Caroline, b. 10 Jan., 1740; d. 4 Sept., 1759.

Frederic William, b. 24 May, 1750.

Wrn. Henry, Duke of Gloucester and Edin- burgh.

Henry Frederic, Duke of Cumberland.

Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick-Wolfen- biittel.

Where were the Dukes of Gloucester

and Cumberland married, respectively on 6 September, 1766, and 2 October, 1771, to Maria, Countess Dowager Waldegrave, and the Hon. Mrs. Anne Horton 1

With regard to the children of George II., can any reader supply the precise dates and places of birth and death of the following, also places and dates of funerals 1

Anne, Princess Royal, b. 1709 ; died (where?) 12 Jan., 1759.

Mary, Princess of Hesse Cassel, b. 1723 (married at Cassel 8 May, 1740?).

Louisa, .Queen of Denmark, b. 1724 (married where ?).

I wish to know the place of death of the following :

Amelia Sophia, d. 31 Oct., 1786. Caroline Elizabeth, d. 28 Dec., 1757. George William, d. 6 Feb., 1718. I shall be glad to obtain also the following information :

Dates of burial of George III.'s youngest sons, Octavius and Alfred ; place of death of latter (on 26 Aug., 1782), and date of removal to Windsor.

Elizabeth, his daughter, date of burial arid place of death (d. 10 Jan., 1840).

Augustus Frederic, son of the Duke of Sussex ; places of birth and death, and date of funeral.

Ellen or Emma Augusta, his sister ; place of death and burial, and date of latter. Married to Lord Truro : where 1

Birthplace of H.R.H. the present Duke of Cumberland and his sisters, and his two eldest children, Marie Louise and George William. Did his father, George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest, die in Paris, 2 June, 1878? Where was he married, 8 Feb., 1843? A. W. B.

KIPLING IN AMERICA. (9 th S. ix. 5.)

MR. CRIPPS deserves credit for his industry n compiling the list of American issues of Vtr. Kipling's works ; but if he had travelled urther through the thorny jungle of biblio-

raphy he would have hesitated before apply -

ng the epithet "complete" or even "full" o any essay in that science. The " full list " f original publications, for which MR. CRIPPS s indebted to Mr. W. M. Clemens's 'A

en of Kipling,' has many lacunce, which I vill endeavour to supply ; but before doing so

may observe that instead of relying on Mr. Clemens, MR. CRIPPS would have acted more wisely in consulting the bibliography of Mr.