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��Canning (C. J., Earl) and Athenaeum, 271 Carey (Miss F. C.) on Festus ' Bailey, 177-8 Carlisle (Capt. T.), Globe contributor, 182 Carlyle (T.), on J. A. Heraud, vii ; contributes

to ' Dumfries Album,' 314

Carpenter (Dr. P. H.), pension to widow, 110 Carter (Canon T. Thellusson), death, 160 Cassell (John), founder of the firm, 165 Cassell & Co., start The Echo, 16 ; history of

the firm, 165-6

Cathcart (Sir G. ), pension to daughters, 130 Caxton's ' Ryal Book,' record price, 170 Centenarians : Mrs. Coxeter, 7 ; crop of, 21 ;

Thoms's interest in, 51 ; gipsy, 92 Chalmers (Dr. T.), pension to daughter, 120 Chambers (William) at Scott's funeral, 164 Chambers (W. & R.), their publications, 165 Chambers' s Edinburgh Journal, its history,

163-5 ; Moy Thomas's ' Autumn,' 166 Chapman (John) and restrictions on literature,

183 Chappell (Wm.)> editor of ' Roxburghe Ballads,'

death, 320

Charles I. and William Penn, 298, 325 Charles IT., Ebsworth's admiration for, 300 Chatto (Andrew) and Gentleman's Magazine,

xxix, 25

Chatto & Windus, history of the firm, 279 Chauvin (Mile.), first lady barrister, 89 Chesney (General F. R. ), pension to widow, 128 Chic, adopted by French Academy, 171 Chicago Times and longest telegram, 191 Child (Josiah), his reminiscences of Triibner,


Chisholm (Caroline), pension to daughter, 140 Choate (J. H.) on Downing Street, 86 Chopin MSS. in Paris, 158 Chorley (H. F.), his poems, 175 ; writes Mrs.

Browning's obituary, 216 Christ Church, Woburn Square, and Christina

Rossetti, 159

Christmas card, the first, 189 Christmas carols, Mr. Andrews's ' Wreath,' 272 Christ's Hospital, beginning of the end, 89 ; Lord Mayor at, 157 ; last service at Christ Church, Newgate Street, 168 ; last of the " Blues," 172 Churchill (Winston Spencer) captured in

Boer War, 74

Church Missionary Society, Centenary, 35 Church of Scotland, Free and United, 85 Cibber (Colley), New Year Ode, 23 City, first Jewish Sheriff, 153 ; privileges at a Coronation, 157, 254-6 ; City Press founded, 242 ; its condition in 1857, 243 ; work of the Commissioners of Sewers, ib. ; street improvements, ib. ; old churches in, 244 ; its rateable value and population notable freeman the Guilds, 247 ; financial crises conversion of the Three per Cents, 248 ; records printed by, 249 ; Guildhall Library opened, 250 ; Livery Companies, 250-51 ; its members in the House of Commons, 252 ; its educational and charitable grants, 253-4 ; " in the King's hand," 255 ; its Crystal Sceptre, ib. See also London and Lord Mayor.

��City and Guilds of London Institute founded,


City of London School, Prime Minister edu- cated at, 253

City Press, its history, 1857-1907, 241-59 City Temple pulpit, its history, 253 Civil List, William IV. gives up revenues, 5 Civil List Pensions, existing in 1901, 95 ; investigation in 1888, 96 ; total grants, 145 Clark (Andrew) on Ebsworth's Ballad Index,


Clifford (Prof. W. K.), pension to widow, 123 Clifford's Inn, its history, 169 ; offered for

sale, 189

Coat, remarkable, 7

Cole (Sir Henry), and the Public Records, 79 ; pension to daughters, 119 ; first Christmas card, 189 ; on Penny Postage, 218, 221 Coleridge (S. T.) on postage fraud, 217 Colles (W. Morris) and Civil List pensions, 96 Collier (John Payne), his blindness, 322 Collingridge (W. H.), founds Cowper Museum,

56 ; purchases MS. of ' Yardley Oak,' 69 ; history of the firm, 241 ; founds The City Press, 242

Colonies, first newspapers in, 195 Com^die Francaise, visit to London in 1870, ix Commission, Tariff Reform, ite name, 191 Companies, Livery, their histories, 250 Consols, their fluctuations and conversion, 248 Cook (John Douglas), first editor of Saturday

Review, 200, 210 Co-operation, its progress, 92 Coote (Holmes), pension to widow, 139 Copyright, Bill to amend, 27 ; and prices of

books, 275-6

Coquelin (B. C.) as Cyrano de Bergerac, xxvii Coronation, City privileges at, 254 Correctors of the press, pensions for, x Cory (Dr. R.), pension to widow, 112 Costa (Sir Michael), rehearsals at Puttick &

Simpson's, 269

Coulson (Walter), editor of The Traveller, 180 Coupland (Dr. W T . C.), Civil List pension, 112 Cowper (6th Earl) on pronunciation of his

name, 63 Cowper (W.) appointed clerk to Commission

of Bankruptcy, 24 ; the Centenary Mr.

W. H. Collingridge and the Cowper house,

57 ; Wright's ' Life,' 58, 72 ; Cowper's terrible lines, 59 ; John Newton, ib. pension given to Cowper, 61 ; death, 62 pronunciation of the name, 63 ; anc tobacco smoking, 64 ; translates Homer 65, 68, 71 ; " the cup that cheers," 65 his works in America, ib. ; ' Table-Talk,' 66 Quevedo, ib. ; John Gilpin, 67, 69, 71 Aldine Cowper, 67 ; " God moves in < mysterious way," ib. ; Cowper pictures, 68 sale of correspondence, ib. ; ' Yardley Oak, 69 ; " Prayers are Jove's daughters," 71

' The Rose,' ib. ; Olney Church, 72 ; tablet in Edmonton Church, ib. ; Mr. Clement Shorter at Olney, 73

Cox (Serjeant E. W.), purchases The Field, 184 ; death, 186

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