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��Cox (Sir G. W.), Civil List pension, 126 Cox (Horace), manager of Windsor House, 186 Cox (Irwin E. B.), editor of The Field, 186 Coxe (Henry Octavius) on Evelyn, 14 Coxeter (Elizabeth), centenarian, 7 Coxeter (James), his surgical inventions, 8 Coxeter (John) makes a remarkable coat, 7 Craftsman, Richard Franklin tried for printing

it, 25

Craik (G. Lillie), pension for daughter, 98 Cramer & Co., sale of their copyrights, 268 Creasy (Sir E. ), pension for widow, 99 Crescent, passage in the Koran, 8 Critic, rival to Athenceum, 185 Crockford (John) founds ' Clerical Directory,'

185 Croker ( J. Wilson) on dangers of Penny Postage,

217 Crosby (Benjamin), founder of Simpkin,

Marshall & Co., 278

Crowe (Sir Joseph) on Father Prout, 182 Crozier (J. B.), Civil List pension, 110 Cumming (Constance F. Gordon), Civil List

pension, 101

Cumming (Dr. John), Saturday Review on, 205 Cunningham (Col. F. ), contributor to Saturday

Review, 211 Cunningham (P.) suggests motto for ' N. & Q.,'

36 Curtis (John), pension to widow, 108


Daily Chronicle, on Japanese New Year's Day, 190 ; on " tiaras," 191 ; on " Mr.," 197 ; on City churches, 244 Daily Graphic, Knight its dramatic critic,

xxi xxiii

Daily Netcs, history to its Jubilee, 11 ; its war correspondents, 75 ; on plural voters, 82 ; on Jewish Congregational League, 172 ; Father Prout's Roman letters, 182 ; on Longfellow's popularity, 234

Daily Telegraph, W. H. Russell its war corre- spondent, 76 ; on Whitgift Hospital, 78 ; on Marquis of Bute's heart, 83 ; on the Stock Exchange, 92 ; on Chopin's MSS., 158 ; on Sir W. Conrad Reeves, 167 ; on Japanese regalia, 168 ; on Clifford's Inn, 169 ; twenty-four-page number, 173 ; on Brougham's reported death, 188 ; on John Peel's daughter, 190 ; on Chaplain to Edinburgh Garrison, 191 ; its Jubilee, 197-9 ; on Earl Howe's Shakespeares, 269 ; Indian Mutiny Jubilee, 270 ; Veterans' Relief Fund, 285

Dalziel (E.), Civil List pension, 116

Dana (Richard H.), Longfellow's poem on, 238

Daniel (G.), reminiscences of Cowper, 64

Dante, Longfellow's love for, 227

Davids (Prof. T. W. Rhys), Civil List pension, 125

Davies (Prof. J. F.), pension to widow, 124

De Foe (Daniel), his death, 24 ; Civil List pension to descendant, 99

De Morgan (Augustus) on John Gilpin, 66

Dereham, Cowper dies at, 62

��Diadems and tiaras, then? difference, 191 Diamond (Dr. H. W.), discoveries in photo-

graphy, 39

Dickens : Kingsley, names in parish register, 9 Dickens (C.), first editor of Daily News, 11 ;

poem ' A Word in Season,' 15 ; Tavistock

House demolished, 84 ; as an editor, 91 ;

pension to daughter-in-law, 104 ; visited

by Longfellow, 234 ; described by him,

236 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' Knight's

contributions, xxiv, xl ; Ebsworth's con-

tributions, 319 ; dinner at Star and Garter,

319 Dilke (Charles Wentworth), characteristics

as a critic, xxxv ; reduces price of Daily

Keiva, 11 ; and folk-lore, 36 ; contributes

to ' N. & Q.,' 37, 43 ; death, 42 ; ' Papers

of a Critic,' ib. ; as a book-hunter, 51 Dilke (Sir Charles Wentworth), at funeral of

F. G. Stephens, xxxiii ; at Knight's funeral,

xxxiv ; edits ' Papers of a Critic,' 42 ;

purchases ' N. & Q., 44 ; on Miss Martineau

and the Penny Post, 217 Dilke (Emilia F., Lady), contributor to

Saturday Review, 211 Dimsdale (Sir J. C.), on City privileges, 157;

his family, 158

Disraeli (B.), Chancellor of the Exchequer, 184 Dixon (Hepworth), pension for widow, 99 Dobson (Austin), Rondeau on ' N. & Q.,' 47 ;

tribute to Longfellow, 239 Dobson (Surgeon-Major G. E.) pension to

sisters, 111 Doran (Dr. J.), editor of ' N. & Q.,' 44 ;

death, 46 Doudney (Dr. D. A.), editor of The Gospel

Magazine, 242

Douglas (James) on Knight, xxxv Downing (Sir G.), his history, 87 Downing Street, its history, 86 Doyle (Sir A. Conan), ' Mystery of Sasassa

Valley,' 164 Dramatic Critics, Society of, letter to Mrs.

Knight, xxxv

Drayton (M.), Knight on his ' Nymphidia,' v Drury Lane Theatre, its profits, c. 1817, 26 Du Chaillu (P. B.), his hunting trophies, 185 Duel between Lord Hervey and William

Pulteney, 24 ' Dumfries Album,' Ebsworth and Carlyle

contributors, 314 Dumfries Herald, Ebsworth and Gilfillan

contributors, 313

Dunbar (Prof. G.), pension to daughters, 121 Dwelly (J. Holmes), pension to widow, 139

��Eastwick (E. B.), pension to widow, 101 Ebsworth (Charles), death in Australia, 303 ;

his mother's letter to his betrothed, ib. Ebsworth (Emilie), New Year's letter to

Joseph W., 304 Ebsworth (Joseph), father of J. W. Ebsworth,

birth and marriage, 290 ; bookseller at Edin-

burgh notable visitors, 290 ; death, 303

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