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��Radcliffe (J. Nettcn), pension to widow, 141 Raeburn (Sir H.), pension to granddaughters,


Railton (A. B.), his career, 33 Rainy (Principal), first Moderator of Free

Church, 85 ; death, 86

Rawson-Walker (E. H.), pension to widow, 137 Readers' Pension, Knight presides at first

dinner, x

Record Office, new, its history, 79, 203 Redfern (J. F.), pension to widow, 115 Reeves (Sir William Conrad), his knighthood,

167 ' Reference Catalogue of Current Literature,'

its growth, 282

Reform Bill, 1832, agitation in Edinburgh, 291 Reid (Dr. J. Seaton), pension to widow, 97 Religious Tract Society, Centenary, 35 ;

presents Cowper biography to Olney

children, 57 ; its founder, 82 ; total pub- lications, 163 Reynolds (Rev. Dr. H. R.), minister of East

Parade Chapel, Leeds, Vi Reynolds (Sir Joshua), house in Leicester

Square, 268 Rice (T. Spring), Lord Monteagle, reduces

Taxes on Knowledge, 4

Rimmel the perfumer and advertisements, 6 Ripon (1st Marquis of) visits Knight at

Leeds, vi Rippon (John), D.D., pastor of Carter Lane

Chapel, his Bunhill Fields collections, 1 ;

his Hymn and Tune Book, 2 ; his Alms- houses, ib. Rippon (John), nephew, his oratorio ' The

Crucifixion,' 1 Rippon (Thomas), chief cashier of the Bank

of England, 2

Rivingtons, the firm in 1807, 264 Roberta (Earl), on Indian Mutiny heroes, 270 ;

on Veterans' Relief Fund, 285 Roberts (W. ) on Cowper portraits, 68 Robinson (Emma), Civil List pension, 119 Robinson (F. W.). Ebsworth on, 306 Robinson (H. Crabb), first war correspondent,


Robinson (Joseph), pension to widow, 118 Rodgers (Rev. J.), pension to widow, 119 Rogers (S.), his ' Table Talk,' 207 Rolls Chapel, its history, 80, 83 Romney (G.), portraits of Cowper, 68 Room (Rev. Charles), his ministry, 2 ; presents

his poems to Scott, ib. Roosevelt (President) invites negro to the

White House, 160 Rossetti (Christina) and Christ Church,

Woburn Square, 159 Rossetti (D. G.), Life by Knight, xxv ; letter

to Knight, ib. ; death, xxvi ; on Ebenezer

Jones, 53 ; Ebsworth on, 305 Rossetti (Gabriel), his escape to Malta, 54 Rossetti (W. M.), and Joseph Knight, xxvi ;

on F. G. Stephens, xxxiv Rostand (E.), Knight on ' Cyrano de Bergorac,'

��Rothschild (Lionel Nathan), first Jewish M.P.,


Routledge& Sons, sale of Longfellow's works, 237 Rowsell (Joel), his notable visitors, 285 I ' Roxburghe Ballads,' W. Chappell editor, 320 ;

Ebsworth editor, ib.

' ' Roxburghe Revels,' Athenceum on, 18 I Royal Society, its house in Crown Court, 81 | Ruskin (John), memorial at Herne Hill, 88 < Russell (Lord John), Jewish gratitude to, 153 Russell (Sir W. H.), war correspondent in

Zulu War, 76 Russia, Empress Catherine inoculated, 158 ;

condition in 1855, 202 Rye (Maria S.), Civil List pension, 138 Rylands (John) Library, its copy of ' Hypne- rotomachia Poliphili,' xiv ; history of its formation, 314 Rylands (Mrs.), her death, 32, 281

S St. James's Gazette, ' The Bannennan's Lament,'

xxiii St. Margaret's, Westminster, John Gilpin

buried at, 71

St. Marylebone Church, 500th anniversary, 84 St. Mary Woolnoth, John Newton's remains

at, 57

St. Patrick's Day and Irish Guards, 90 Salomons (Sir David), first Jewish Lord

Mayor, 153 Samplers, verses on, 3 Saturday Journal founded, 166 Saturday Review, its foundation, 193 ; its

Jubilee, editors and contributors, 200-212 Saunders (Robert), founder of Hodgson &

Sons, 260

Schmitz (Dr. L.), pension to daughters, 120 Scotland, union of Free and United Churches,

85 ; Edward VII.'s title in, 90 Scotsman on United Free Church, 85 Scott (Alexander John), Principal of Owens

College, 171

Scott (David), Ebsworth's art master, 292 Scott (General H. Y. D.), pension to widow, 142 Scott (Sir Walter), and the Roxburghe ) Club,

19 ; original of Rebecca in ' Ivanhoe,' 151 ;

his funeral, 164 ; sale of his copyrights,

263 ; beloved by Ebsworth, 290 ; insulted

at Hawick, 291 Scottish Academy, Ebsworth exhibits at,

292 293 Scrivener (Rev. F. H. A.), pension to daughters,

120 Seaman (Dr. Lazarus), catalogue of his library,


Seeley (Sir J. R.), pension to widow, 126 Seldon (S.), pension to widow, 141 Shairp (Prof. J. C.), pension to widow, 123 Shakespeare (W.), price of First Folio in 1812,

260 ; prices in 1862 and 1905, 265 ; Earl

Howe's Folios and Quartos, 269 Shamrock presented to Irish Guards, 90 Sharpe (Dr. R. R.), on works printed by the

Corporation, 249 ; on the title " Lord "

Mayor, 256

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