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��Shaw (Sir Eyre Massey) on London fires, 258 Shay lor (Joseph) on publishers and book- sellers, 179

Shedlock (J. S.) on Handel relic, 88 Sheil (Richard Lalor), nicknamed " Speechless

Sheil," 168 Sheridan (R. B.), Knight's introduction to his

' Dramatic Works,' xxviii Shilleto (R.)> pension to daughter, 124 Shorter (Clement), at Olney, 73 ; on illustra- tions in The Athenceum, 175 Simmons (Capt.), pension to widow, 131 Simpkin, Marshall & Co., history of the firm,


Simpson (Jas.), pension to daughter, 118 Simpson (Wm.), partner in Puttick & Simpson,


Singer (S. W.), edits Shakespeare, 38 ; Satur- day Review on, 208 Skeet (C. J.), publisher and second-hand

bookseller, 285

Smith (Ebenezer) and Elim Chapel, 267 Smith (George) sent to Nineveh by Daily

Telegraph, 198

Smith (George Barnett), Civil List pension, 102 Smith (George Murray) and his authors, 91, 278 Smith (Col. T. Laurence), pension to widow,132 Smith & Elder, history of the firm, 278 Smyth (Eleanor C.), Life of Rowland Hill, 223 Snow (T.) and Sampson Gideon, 153 Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, sale of Cowper letters, 68 ; of Blake drawings, 189 ; history of the firm, 262 ; sale of Earl Howe's Shakespeares, 269 Sotheran (Messrs.), A. B. Railton a partner,

33 ; history of the firm, 281 Southey (Robert), his ' Wat Tyler,' 26 ; his

edition of Cowper, 65 Spectator, Addison's, and the compulsory

stamp, 3, 5

Spencean Philanthropists plan a rising, 25 Spencer (George John, Lord) obtains pension

for Cowper, 61

Spencer (Herbert), Saturday Review on, 207 Spenser (Edmund), Knight on his fairies, v Sphere, on first lady barrister, 89 ; on first

negro to dine at the White House, 160 Spurgeon (C. H.), on John Francis, 2 ; Satur- day Review on, 205

Stael-Holstein (Madame de), her death, 28 Stamp, compulsory, on newspapers, 3 ; re- duced, 4 ; abolished, ib. ; and The Globe, 183 ; and The Field, 186 ; Times on, 200 Standard, on Christ's Hospital, 89, 172 ; on Mozart's skull, 158 ; on Wren's mallet, 172 Stanley (H. M.), 'Through the Dark Con- tinent,' 198

Steamboats, permitted, 21 ; on the Clyde, 28 Steevens (G. W.), death at Ladysmith, 74 Stcingass (Dr. F.), Civil List pension, 127 Stephen (Sir J. F.) contributes to Saturday

Review, 210 Stephens (F. G.), death and funeral, xxxiii ;

on Ellsworth as an artist, 293 Stevenson (R. A. M.), pension to widow, 116 Stewart (Balfour), pension to widow, 109

��Stewart (Col. Hamill), pension to mother and

sisters, 132

Stewart (Sir Robert), pension to widow, 117 Stirling (Dr. J. Hutcheson), Civil List pension,


Stock Exchange, its Centenary, 91 Storyteller founded, 166 ! Stratford de Redcliffe (Lord), pension to

daughters, 136 Sullivan (Dr.), of Queen's College, Cork,

pension to daughters, 124 Sun, papers so named, 167 Sunday newspapers, 6 Sunday observance, Palmerston withdraws

bands in the parks, 204 Sunderland Library sale, 269 Swinburne (A. C.), Knight on his claims to

the Laureateship, xxix ; on the noyades

in 1793, 9

Sydenham Wells Park, its associations, 93 Sydney Gazette, first Australian paper, 195 Sydney Morning Herald, its history, 196

��Tariff Reform Commission, its name, 191 Tavistock House demolished, 84 Taxes on Knowledge : Hetherington's Poor Man's Guardian, 3 ; reduced by Spring Rice, 4 ; in Paris, 21 ; effect on newspapers, 192. See also Paper duty and Stamp, com- pulsory,

Tegetmeier (W. B.), his reminiscences, 187 Telegram, the longest, 191 Telegrams, from war correspondents, 75, 198 ;

wireless, 199

! Temple, Middle, Benchers' privileges, 171 | Temple Bar, its removal, 252 1 Tennyson : Kingsley : Dickens, names in

parish registers, 9 Tennyson (Alfred ), Saturday Review on, 202 ;

visited by Longfellow, 234 Terriss (William), Knight on his death, xxii Thackeray (W. M.), Saturday Review on

' Barry Lyndon,' 209 Thames, plans for Embankment, 245 ; its

purification, 246 Theatres : pieces in London in 1869, vii ;

Knight at, ix

' Theatrical Notes,' by Knight, ix Thistlewood (Arthur), trial in 1817, 26 Thomas (G. Housman), pension to widow, 113 Thomas (W. Cave), Civil List pension, 114 Thomas (W. Moy), on Daily News Jubilee,

12 ; editor of CasselVs Magazine, 166 Thompson (Thurston), pension to widow, 138 Thorns (W. J.), coins " Folk-lore," 36 ; starts ' N. & Q.,' ib. ; on C. W. Dilke, 42 ; resigns editorship of ' N. & Q.,' 43 ; on Dr. Doran, 46 ; death, 49 ; his works, 50 ; on cen- tenarians, 51 ; banquet to him, 52 Thornton (R. H.), ' Jubilee Greeting ' to ' N. & Q.,' 54 ; on The Saturday Sadducee, 210

Thurston (Sir J. B.), pension to widow, 134 Tiaras and diadems, their difference, 191

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