Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/470

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Monday, January 17, 1848.—This morning Lieut. Aquilla Haines, and Orderly-Sergt. Thomas Zeigle and Alburtus Welsh, left for the city of Mexico to draw the company's (C), money, but Lieut. Haines returned, stating that they did not get the money, on account of a mistake in the clothing account; and that Sergt. Zeigle and Alburtus Welsh, staid in the city to rectify the mistake. So we are all disappointed in not getting our rocks. But some five or six companies of our regiment got paid off to-day, so they are in high glee.

It is rumored, and I believe it is true, that there is not twenty thousand troops at Queretaro City. As reported, not more than four or five thousand, and that nearly the whole of Gen. Santa Anna's army have disbanded and deserted in despair, leaving nothing but fragments, such as guerillas and highway robbers, about two thousand strong, and wandering in different directions, without a magazine or a military chest, and living by robbing.

Tuesday, January 18, 1848.—This morning all our men are looking with eager eyes for Sergt. Zeigle and Alburtus Welsh.

Finally, at noon, they arrived with the money-bag, and soon all got paid off. So we were all flush again.

Mr. Welsh told me, that an expedition under Gen. Joe Lane, left the city of Mexico this morning at nine o'clock, in search of Gen. Santa Anna and the guerilla priest, Jarauta.

The expedition is composed of Col. Jack Hays' mounted rangers and Col. Dominguez's spy company; Maj. Polk goes with Gen. Lane as an aide. They are also after Gen. Paredas, who is in the villa of Tulancingo. They will be absent several weeks. They take or go by Orazaba and Tlasculla roads.

This evening the Mexican papers stated, that San Louis Potose, has declared against the present Government of Mexico, and that Gen. Santa Anna is on the point of resigning the Chief Magistracy and Commander-in-Chief of his scattered army, and is trying to make his escape to neutral Guatamala. He has to hurry up before Gen. Lane gets hold of him or it will be too late to resign. But I think he smells the