Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/627

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for our country, and to I, for one, it shall forever be my proudest aim and recollection of having been a soldier of that gallant little army, commanded by Gen. Winfield Scott, which invaded Mexico and conquered the land of the Montezumas. It shall also be my undiminished pleasure to point to the many brilliant victories achieved in that campaign, and reviewing and looking upon the many historic scenes, its never-changing clime, its smiling plains, scenes both in art and nature on the historic volcanic mountains of snow-capped peaks; the landing of our troops at Vera Cruz, the bombardment and surrender of that strong and well-fortified walled-in city, and many other scenes that filled the heart with wonder, admiration, and praise.

Company C, as it was on New Year's Day, January 1st, 1847:—

Captain, William F. Small.
First Lieutenant, Aquilla Haines.
Second Lieutenant, Casper M. Berry.
Third Lieutenant, Henry Hunterson.
First Sergeant, Oscar F. Bentson.
Second Sergeant, David Ackerman.
Third Sergeant, George Small.
Fourth Sergeant, Joseph M. Hall
First Corporal, Andrew Wray.
Second Corporal, James B. Wilson.
Third Corporal, George Royer.
Fourth Corporal, Joseph Foust.
Oliver Amey, John Kritser,
Peter Ahl, George Kelly,
Thomas Bruster, Samuel Linton,
Edward Budy, George W. Lewis,
William Barns, Roland C. Malone,
Charles Burns, William Mullon,
John Begley, Charles Mason,