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as I live!" she said with deep vindictiveness.

I feebly attempted remonstrance. She cut me short.

"That's enough. November's played double with me. I'll show him!"

I walked beside her in silence and, just before we came in sight of the houses, we met with Joe alone. He had evidently left Sylvester in safe custody. Joe glanced from Sally to me. I read understanding in his eyes.

"We've got him trapped safe, Sally. Not a hole for him to slip out by."

Sally's rage broke from her control. "You're just too cute, November Joe," she blazed, "with your tracking and finding out things, and putting Val in jail! What do you say to it that I've been fooling you all the time? I never lost no pelts! I only said it to get the laugh against ye. Ye was beginning to believe ye could hear the muskrats sneezing!"

"Is that so?" inquired Joe gently.

"Yes, and I'm going into Lavette this minute to tell them!"

Joe stepped in front of her. "Just as you like,