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Sally. But how'll ye explain these?" He flung open the bundle of skins he carried.

Mrs. Rone turned colour. "Where did ye find them?" she gasped.

"On his back!"

She hesitated a moment, then, "I gave Val that lot," she said carelessly.

"That's queer, now," said Joe, "'cos it was on Injin Sylvester I found them."

Sally stared at Joe, then laughed suddenly, excitedly.

"Oh, Joe! you're sure the cutest man ever made in this world!" And with that she flung her arms round his neck and kissed him.

"I'd best pass that on to Val Black!" said Joe calmly.

And Sally's blushes were prettier than you could believe.

There is no need for me to tell how Black was liberated from the hands of the crestfallen Evans, who was as nonplussed as I myself had been at the breakdown of the case, which up to the last moment had on the face of it seemed indestructible.

I have never looked forward to any explana-