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into the tree tops.


It was the low call of Oliver, who had mounted to the roof of the hut. He was gazing upward, but the tree leaves hid me from his view.

"I am safe," I whispered. "Come up, and tell Dan to follow."

Oliver bent down and whispered to Dan. Then he came up, and at the same time I worked my way to the center of the tree, and then out to the end of a branch opposite to that which I had first ascended.

Inside of five minutes we were together in the second tree and ready to descend into the brush below. I fully expected an alarm, but, strange to say, it did not come.

"So far it's all right," whispered Dan. "But look here."

"Well?" queried Oliver and I.

"If we drop into that tangle below, how are we ever to find the road to Wailuku and our horses?"

The question nonplused us and we stared blankly at each other.