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"I'm sure I don't know where the road is," spoke up Oliver. "And finding the horses will be a big job."

"I'll climb up to the top of the tree and try to get the lay of the land," I answered, and ascended as high as safety would permit. It was fairly bright, and as the fire had gone out and the village was almost totally dark, I could see for a considerable distance.

A vast panorama of the Iao valley was spread before me, stretching out into the darkness beyond. To one side I made out what seemed to be a stream sparkling in the starlight. On another side was the cliff to which the Kanakas had followed us.

Having gazed beyond the village, I now turned my attention to what was below. The greater portion of the ruins were behind me. They still smoked, and here and there a native was shuffling around, inspecting the damage done. Some distance away was a large hut which was lighted up, and here a score of Kanakas, men and women, were lounging around, no doubt discussing the situation and trying to decide what should be done with my companions and me.

The crowd at the hut was an angry-looking one, and soon I descended to where I had left my companions.

"We must move off in that direction," I said,