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pointing with my hand. "And the sooner the better. Those Kanakas are holding an indignation meeting, and I'm afraid they will soon settle to lynch us in their own peculiar fashion."

"I'm ready to go," answered Oliver, and in a moment more the three of us were sliding quietly to the ground.

We now found ourselves in a thicket, which in some spots was almost as tight as a wicker basket. But here and there was a small opening and through these we forced our way, until a hundred feet had been covered.

"If we only had some Cuban machetes," I said. "They are fine knives for cutting one's way through such a growth as this."

"We must be almost to the end of the brush," said Dan. "There goes the sleeve of my coat," he went on, as a ripping sound was heard. My own coat was likewise caught, and before the end of the thicket was gained each of us was almost in rags.

"They have discovered we are off!" cried Oliver, of a sudden. "Just listen to that!"

A shrill howl had arisen on the night air, and there followed the voice of Buowa, calling to the natives to search everywhere for "those bad Americans," as he designated us in his own tongue. Soon we heard several breaking their way into the thicket.