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"We are blocked!" cried Oliver, when he could speak. "We have found the entrance to the Cave of Pearls, but see how it is guarded. No wonder Joe Koloa didn't come here to get the treasure."

At Oliver's words we stared blankly at one another. Did he speak the truth and was our hunt to end then and there?

"There may be another entrance to the cave," suggested Dan.

"I doubt it, for see how high yonder mountain is. The cave must extend into the very heart of that pile of rocks—that is, if the cave is really there."

"Oh, it must be there," I said. "If not we——"

I stopped short, as Dan pulled both me and Oliver back. "Look," he said. "Get out of sight, just as quick as you can!"

A big rock was handy and behind this we crouched. Looking in the direction Dan pointed out, we beheld Caleb Merkin and Ramon Delverez approaching, with a wild-looking Kanaka between them.

"That must be Joe Koloa," said Oliver. "See, each has him tight by the arm."

"I'll wager Koloa doesn't want to go with them," I answered. "Listen."

"Let me go!" came from the Kanaka. "Take