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all de pearls, but let poor Joe go. De fire god will eat um up!"

"The fire got shan't touch you," came from Caleb Merkin.

"I won't go!" shrieked the native, and began to fight with all the strength at his command. Instantly Merkin and Delverez knocked him down.

"Don't let him git away, partner," howled Merkin. "Remember, if you stand by me in this deal, you're to have half of what's found."

"I am with you," came from Ramon Delverez. "But don't kill the man, or we'll never get into the cave."

The struggle continued, until finally Joe Koloa seemed to collapse. Then the pair of rascals hauled the frightened native to his feet.

"Now show us the entrance to the cave," commanded Caleb Merkin.

"And do so at once, or I will shoot you," added Delverez, and produced a pistol.

Trembling in every limb the Kanaka started forward again, taking a course to the left of the column of fire which had just spouted up. The trio passed out of sight behind a projecting rock, and we saw nothing more of them for the time being.

With cautious steps we followed until we came to the rock just mentioned. Here the air was