Page:Official Flags of the Department of Homeland Security.pdf/2

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A.The DHS flag is displayed in the lobbies of or on the grounds of buildings occupied solely by DHS.
B.The DHS flag may be displayed in the reception rooms and lobbies of offices or leased space occupied solely by DHS.
C.The following DHS officials are authorized to display a DHS flag in their respective offices:
  1. Secretary
  2. Deputy Secretary
  3. All Under Secretaries
  4. All Assistant Secretaries
  5. General Counsel
  6. Inspector General
  7. Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
  8. Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration
  9. Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
  10. Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection
  11. Director, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
  12. Director, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
  13. Director of the Federal Protective Service
  14. Director of the United States Secret Service
  15. Director, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
  16. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
The officials listed above may extend the entitlement to display the DHS flag to officials within their respective organizations other than those listed. Each determination of additional entitlement is made in writing and a copy sent to the DHS Office of Protocol.
D.The following Components may fly and display their flag (organizational) with the DHS flag:

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Directive # 123-04
Revision # 00