Page:Official Flags of the Department of Homeland Security.pdf/3

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  1. United States Coast Guard
  2. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
  3. Customs and Border Protection
  4. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  5. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  6. United States Secret Service
  7. Transportation Security Administration
  8. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
E.The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) (historic U.S. Customs) ensigns may be flown and displayed with the DHS flag.
F.Use of the positional flag of the Secretary of Homeland Security is limited to the office of the Secretary and to those other locations where the Secretary is present in an official capacity. It may also be flown on a vessel where the Secretary is aboard in an official capacity, or on an automobile when used in an official capacity. In all instances, the flag is only displayed in conjunction with and subordinate to the Flag of the United States.
G. Use of the positional flag of the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security is limited to the office of the Deputy Secretary and to those other locations where the Deputy Secretary is present in an official capacity. It may also be flown on a vessel where the Deputy Secretary is aboard in an official capacity, or on an automobile when used in an official capacity. In all instances, the flag is only displayed in conjunction with and subordinate to the Flag of the United States.
H.Display of the DHS Flag
  1. On a stage with a speaker, the DHS flag is on the audience’s right.
  2. With the DHS flag in a DHS office, the flags should be behind the official’s desk or against the wall. The Flag of the United States is placed on the observer’s left and the DHS flag on the right.
  3. With the DHS flag from the side of a building, the Flag of the United States should be displayed in a position of prominence.
  4. With the DHS flag from two separate ground mounted masts, the Flag of the United States should be flown at the observer’s left.

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Directive # 123-04
Revision # 00