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The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus

wunigende. We wyten þæt we gesyneged habbeð, ægðer gea ongean þe, ge ongean God. Ac we biddeð þe þæt þu cume to us for þinre miltse. [Fol. 91b] We wyten þæt we awergendlic geðanc ongean þe þohten, þa-þa we þe beclysden and belucan on cwarterne."

Þa ærendracen comen and him þæt gewrit on hand sealden, and he hit rædde and cwæð: "Seo gebletsod se-þe nolde þæt min blod wære gespillod; þæt is, se Drihten Crist, þe me under his fiðeren gescillde." Þa Ioseph up astod and þa weres cyste and heo wurdlice underfeng. Þa on morgen ferde Ioseph to Ierusalem mid geleafe and mid þan ærendracan ealle on heora assen ridende."

Þa þæt folc of þære ceastre þæt geherde þæt Ioseph wæs gecumen, þa comen heo ealle him togeanes and cwædon: "La, fæder Ioseph, sibb sy mid þe and on þine ingange." Ioseph heom andswered and cwæð: "Sibb seo mid eallen þan mannen þe God lufigeð." And heo ealle to him abugen and hine cysten. Nichodemus þa mid wurðscipe hine to his byrig onfeng.

On morgen ealle þa Iudees, Annas and Caiphas and preostes and diacones, hine bæden þæt he scolde heom swuteligen. "And secge us hwu þu þæs Hælendes lichame bebyredest [and] hwu þu of þære cluse come þe we þe on beclysden. Þa we [Fol. 92a] þe ne funden, þa us