Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/20

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William E. Hulme

mycel fyrht forgrap and ege. Gode fæder sæge hit us." Ioseph cwæð to heom: "Þa-þa ic beclysed wes, þe feng ic on mine gebeden forð to þære middre nihte. Þa wæs þæt hus beo þan feower hyrnen up onhafen, and ic þone Hælend þas geseh eall swylc hit legeræsc wære; and ic for þan ege niðer on eorðen afeoll, and he me beo þære hand geheold and up ahof and me gecyste and cwæð to me: 'Ne ondræd þu þa, Ioseph; besih on me and ongeot þæt ic hit eam.' Þa beseh ic and cwæð: 'Eart þu þæt Elias, ure larðeign?' Þa cwæð he to me: 'Ne eam ic na Elias; ac ic eam se Hælend þe þu his lichame bebyredest.' Þa cwæð ic to him: 'Æteowe me þa byrigeles hwar ic þe leigde.' Se Hælend me þa beo þære rihthand genam and me ut lædde hwar ic hine byrede, and syððen he lædde me to Barimathia, to minre rice and cwæð: 'Sibb seo mid þe and mid þinen hirde, Ioseph, and ne far þu na of þinre rice ær binnen feowertig dagena fæce. Ic wylle to Galileam to minen cnihten gan' [Fol. 92b].

Đa þa Iudees eall þiss geherdan, þa feollan heo adun an cwædon: "Hwæt mæg þiss tacne beon þe on Israele lande geworden is? We cuðen æigðer gea fæder gea moder þæs Hælendes. Mihte þiss eall beon soð geworden?" Ioseph þa up stod and cwæð to Annam and Caipham: "Soð is to wundrigenne þæt he of deaðe is arisen. Witodlice feale manna he of deaðe awehte on his æriste, and heo of heora byrigene arærde, and sume heo eac lifes wæron. Ealle we cuðen þone rihtwisen Simeon þe urne Drihten bær on his earmen into þan temple,