Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/21

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The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus

þe ærre þan lame wæs. Wel we cuðen his twegen sunen, Carinus and Leuticius, þe wæron for feale gearen deade. Ga we lochigen: nu byð heora byrigene opene, and heo synden inne þære ceastre Barimathia samod libbende and God herigende. Ac uten faren to heom mid eallen eadmodnysse and wurðmynte and gelæden heo to us and bidden heom for heora Drihtenes name þæt heo wið us specan and us atellen ealle þa geryna þe beo Godes æriste gewordene wæron." [Fol. 93a]

Đa-þa Ioseph hæfde þuss gespecan, þa wæs eall þæt folc blissigende wið him and to Barimathia þære ceastre ferden," and þære gewyten wolden hweðer hit soð wære þæt Ioseph sæde. Þa heo þider comen, Annas and Caiphas, Nichodemus and Gamaliel, þa eodan heo to þære byrigene and funden heo æmtig. And þa eodan heo into þā ceastre and gemetten Carinus and Leuticius on gebedan licgende mid gebegedan cneowen; and heo sone ealla cysten and mid arwurðunge to Ierusalem to heora sinoðe gelaðoden. And þær inne belocanen geaten heo wæron nymenda þa boc þe seo drihtenlice æ wæs on gewriten, and heom on hand setten and þuss cwædon: "We hælsigeð eow þurh þone uplicen God and þurh þa drihtenlice æ þe ge gehealden habbeð, þæt gyf ge gelefeð on þan ilcan þe eow of deaðe arærde, pæt ge secgen us hwu ge of deaðe arisen."

Carinus and Leuticius heom andsweredan. Þa eldres and þa mæssepreostes heom þa funden blæc and feðere, and me heo todælde on twa