Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/22

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William H. Hulme

and mycel folcas mid heora [Fol. 93b] æigðer. Þa cwæð Carinus and Leuticius: "Drihten Crist, ure Hælend, þu eart lif and ærist eallre deadre. We biddeð þæt þu us geðafige þæt we þa soðe geryne mugen geswutelien þe gewordene synd þurh þe and þurh þinne deað and þurh þinne ærist." Heom com þa stefne of heofone þuss cweðende: "Beo Godes mihte and leafe writað and geswutelieð eallen mannen." Carinus and Leuticius þa ongunnen writen: "Efne we wæron þa mid eallen uren fæderen on þære deopen helle," þær becom mycel brihtnysse ofer us ealle swylce sunne leome. Sathanas and eall hellewerod wæron afyrhte and þuss cwædon: 'Hwæt is þiss liht ræt her swa færlice scinð?' Þa wæs sone eall þæt mænnisc cynn blissigende and Adam mid eallen hehfæderen and witegan for þan mycelan lihte, and heo þuss cwæden: 'Þiss liht is of Godes lihte, eallswa us God behet þæt he us þæt ece lif and liht asænden wolde,' Þa clypode Isaias, se witega, and cwæð: 'Þiss is þæt fæderlice liht ætforen Godes sune hider asændod, swa ic forsæde, þa-þa ic on eorðe wæs, þa ic cwæð and forewitegode þæt þæt land Zabulon and Neptalim wið þæt [Fol. 94a] wæter Iordanen and þæt folc þe on þeostre sæten, scolden habben mare liht. Þiss ic witegode on eorðe, and nu hit is gecumen to us and us onliht þe gefyrn on deaðes dimnysse sæten. Ac uten we nu ealle blissigen þæs lihtes.'