Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/23

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The Old English Gospel of Nicodemus

Simeon se rihtwise mid blisse heonm to cwæð. 'Wuldrieð þone Drihten Crist, Godes sune, þone-þe ic bær on minen earmen into þan temple; and ic þa þus cwæð: "Þu eart liht and frofer ealle þeoden and murðmynt eallen Israele folca."' Þa blissode Adam and eall his ofspryng, þa com þær stefne swylce þunreslege and þa halgen ongean clypode: 'Hwæt eart þu?' And he cwæð: 'Ic eam Iohannes þæs hehste witegan forrynel, and her ic bodige ælmihtiges Godes sune hidercyme, swa swa ic on eorðen dyde.' Þa-þa he incom, þa brihtode eall helle. Adam wæs þa to his sune cweðende, þe wæs genæmned Seth: 'Gerece nu þinen bearnen and hehfæderen ealle þa þing þe þu fram Michaele, þan hehængle, geherdest, þa-þa ic he sende to neorxenewanges gate, þæt þu scoldest Drihten bidden þæt [Fol. 94b] he mid þe his ængel asænde, þæt he þe þone ele syllen scolde of þan treowe þære mildheortnysse, þæt þu mihtest minne lichame mide gesmerien, þa-þa ic untrum wæs.'

Seth, Adames sune, wæs nehlæcende þan hehfæderen and þan halgen witegan and cwæð: 'Efne þa ic wæs Drihten biddende æt neorxenewanges gate, þa æteowde Micael, se hehængel, and me to cwæð: "Ic eam asænd fram Drihtene to þe and ic eam asett ofer eall mænnisc lichame. Nu secge ic þe, Seth, ne þeart þu swincan biddende ne þine teares geotende, þæt þu þurfe bidden þone ele of þan treowe þære mildheortnysse, þæt þu Adam þinne fæder mide gesmerigen mote for his lichames sare; for get ne synden gefyllede fif þusend wintre and þa fif hundred, þe sculen beon agane, ær þone he gehæled wurðe."' Þa cwæð Adam: 'Nu heo synden gefylde and agane and forðgewitene.'

Hit wæs þa swyðe grislic and egeslic, þa Sathanas, þære helle