Page:Old English Gospel of Nicodemus - Hulme 1904.djvu/24

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William H. Hulme

ealdor, cwæð to helle: 'Gearca þe, helle, þæt þu muge Crist onfon, se-þe hine sylfne gewuldred hæfð and is Godes sune and eac mann, [Fol. 95a] and ec is hine ondrædende. And ic eam swa unroth, þæt me þincð sar min lif, þæt ic forneh dead eam. He is wiðerwinne ongean me and ongean þe. And feale þe ic hæfde to me atogen, bisne and healte, lame and reoflen, - ealle he heo fram me ateah.' Þa seo helle egeslice and grislice andswerede Sathanas þan ealden deofle and cwæð: 'Hwæt is se, þæt seo swa strang and swa mihtig, gyf he man is, þæt he ne seo deað ondrædende, þe wyt gefyrn beclysd hæfden? For-ðen ealle þa-þe anweald on eorðe hæfdon, þu heo mid þinre mihte to me getuge and ic heo fæste geheold. And gyf þu mihtig nu eart, swa þu ær wære, hwæt is se mann and se Hælend þe ne seo þone dead anð þine mihten ondræædende? Ac to soðen ic wat, gyf he on mænniscnysse swa mihtig is het he naðer ne unc, ne þone deað ne ondrætt, þonne gebint he þe and þe byð æfre wa syððen.' Sathanas þa, þære hellen ealder, andswerede and cwæð: 'Hwæt tweonest þu of þe? Hwæt ondrædest þu þe þone Hælend to onfone, minne wiðerwinne? [Fol. 95b] Ic his costnode. Ic gelærde eall þæt Iudeisce folc þæt heo wæron ongean him mid eorre and mid ande; and ic dyde þæt he wæs geseald and mid spere gesticod; and ic dyde þæt man treowene rode gearewede and hine þæron anheng and hine mid næiglen gefæstnode; and æt nexten ic wylle his deað to þe gelæden, and he sceal beon underþeod,