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SHERRATT & HUGHES MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS- MEDICAL SERIES. No. XII. MODERN PROBLEMS IN PSYCHIATRY. By. E. Ltjgako, Professor of Nervoas and Mental Diseases in the University of Modena. Translated from the Italian by David Ore, M.D., Assistant Medical Officer and Pathologist to the County Asylum, Prestwich; and R. Gr. Rows, M.D., Assistant Medical Officer and Pathologist to the County Asylum, Lancaster. With an introduction by T. S. Clouston, M.D., Physician Superintendent, Royal Asylum, Morningside, and Lecturer on Mental Diseases in Edinburgh University. Imperial vo, pp. viii. 305, 8 plates. 7s. 6d. net. (Publication No. 47, 1909.) " Professor Lugaro is to be congratulated upon the masterly and judicious survey of his subject which he has given to the world in this work. Not only have we a succinct and clear exposition of the present state of our knowledge, but we are confronted with a tale of the inexhaustible work that lies before us." — Lancet. " The work should be on the shelf of every pathologist and asylum physician ; it is thoughtful, suggestive and well written. The translation also is excellent." — Nature. " The book is a very distinct addition to the literature of psychiatry, and one which will well repay careful study." — Galifiarnian Medical Journal. " The whole book is suggestive in the highest degree, and well worthy of careful study. Dr. David Orr and Dr. R. Gr. Rows, the translators, are to be heartily congratulated on the manner in which ,they have rendered the original into terse and idiomatic English." — Athenceum. No. XIII. FEEBLEMINDEDNESS IN CHILDREN OF SCHOOL AGE. By C. Paqbt Lapaqb, M.D., M.R.C.P. With an Appendix on Treatment and Training by Maby Dendy, M.A. Crown 8vo. pp. xvi. 359, 12 Plates. 5s. net. (Publication No. 57, 1911.) "There is indeed much of practical interest in the book, which is well printed at the Manchester University Press and is admirably illustrated and got up." — British Medical Journal. "It will be thus seen that the author covers much ground and it is surprising how much interesting information is included. Taken as a whole the book is excellent and will, we feel sure, meet with a ready sale We cordially welcome this volume as an admirable con- tribution to the literature of the subject." — Medical Times "We consider these objects have been achieved. The book is a clear and accurate short account of the characteristics of feebleminded children, which cannot fail to be of service to those for whoiti it is intended. . . . The Appendix contributed by Miss Dendy is, as we should expect, clear and practical, and is a valuable addition to the book." — British Journal of Children's Diseases. No, XIV. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. By Judson S. Bury, M.D, (Lond.), F.R.C.P. Demy 8vo., pp. xx. 788. 15/- net. (Publication No. 66, 1912.)

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