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8HERRATT & HUGHES AN ACCOUNT OF A COPY FROM THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY [now in the John Rylands Library] of a map of the world engraved on metal, which is preserved in Cardinal Stephen Borgia's Museum at Velletri. By A. E. Nordenskiold (copied from "Ymer," 1891). Stockholm, 1891. 4to, pp. 29, and facsinule of map. 7s. 6d. net. CATALOGUE Ob THE COPTIC MANUSCRIPTS IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. By W. E. Crum. 1909. 4to, pp. xii. 273. 12 plates of facsimiles, in collotype. 1 guinea net. Many of the texts are reproduced in extenso. The collection includes a series of private letters considerably older than any in Coptic hitherto known, in addition to many MS8. of great theological and historical interest. CATALOGUE OF THE DEMOTIC PAPYRI IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. With facsimiles and complete translations. By F. LI. Griffith. 1909. 3 vols. 4to. . Atlas of facsimiles in collotype. . Lithographed hand copies of the earlier documents. . Key-list, translations, commentaries, and indexes. 3 guineas net. This is something more than a catalogue. It includes collotype facsimiles of the whole of the documents, with transliterations, translations, besides introductions, very full notes, and a glossary of Demotic, representing the most important contribution to the study of Demotic hitherto published. The documents dealt with in these volumes cover a period from Psammetichus, one of the latest native kings, about 640 B.C., down to the Roman Emperor Claudius, a.d. 43. CATALOGUE OF THE GREEK PAPYRI IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. By Arthur S. Hunt. Vol. i : Literary texts (Nos. 1-61). 1911. 4to, pp. xii. 204. 10 plates of facsimiles in collotype. 1 guinea net. The texts are reproduced in extenso. The collection comprises many interesting Biblical, liturgical, and classical papyri, ranging from the third century B.C. to the sixth century a.d. Included are probably the earliest known text of the " Nicene Creed," and one of the earliest known vellum codices, containing a considerable fragment of the " Odyssey," possibly of the third century a.d. CATALOGUE OF THE GREEK PAPYRI IN THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY. By Arthur S. Hunt. Vols. 2 and 3 : Non-literary documents. [In Preparation. THE JOHN RYLANDS FACSIMILES : A series of reproductions of unique and rare books in the possession of the John Rylands Library. The volumes consist of mmutely accurate facsimile productions of the works selected, preceded by short bibliographical introduc- tions. The issue of each work is limited to five hundred copies, of which three hundred are offered for sale, at a price calculated to cover the cost of reproduction. '^ 84, Cross Street, Manchester