Page:Ollanta An Ancient Ynca Drama.pdf/92

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[Act II.

Pin cayman pusamusunqui
Cay tampu llacta casccayman
Cay (iman cai nauqueimani)
Mosoc ppachata apamuy
Munasccaimi cay Auquicca?
Ymanasccan sapayquicca,
Manan canchu ccanpac huañuy.

Who has led you
To my town, to my lodging?

Bring new clothes,
For I love this nobleman.
Why art thou abandoned?
Thou shalt not die.


Mosocc Yncan chay Cozcopi
Ccapac Yupanqui tiyaicun
Caymi Tucuyllata raycun
Causac yahuar phosoccopi
Hinantintiña ccorospa
Manan sonccon tiyaycunchu
Tucuy ñucchun puca sunchu
Tucuyta sipin mosccospa.
Carccani: ychas yuyanqui
Chayta yachaspan Yupanqui
Huac yahuar paypa camanmi
Chay caracc soncco caiñimpi
Cayta ruray, cayta camay
Ñan ricunqui mama yayay
Caynam quirihuan huasinpi.

The new Ynca, in Cuzco,
Tupac Yupanqui, is now enthroned.

He is a cruel tyrant:
He lives in the midst of blood;
He shows no mercy;
He never softens his heart;
Like the red ñucchu and the sunchu,60
He devours all in his madness.
Perhaps you may remember me.
Knowing me, this Yupanqui
Has drawn this blood.
In his depraved heart
He does one thing, and imagines another.
You are now father and mother to me.
Here you have me in your house.