Page:Ollanta An Ancient Ynca Drama.pdf/96

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[Act III.

Enter Pitu Salla, with a light, a cup of water, and a small covered vase.

Pitu Salla.

Hatarei cunan ccatahuay
Cay canchata pacaycuspa.

Now is the time,
Rise and cover the light.

Opens a door concealed in the wall, discovering a small room with Cusi Coyllur chained to the wall, senseless.

Caymi Ñusta mascascayqui
Ñachu sonccoyqui taninña?

Here is the hidden Princess.
Does thy heart cease to beat?

Yma Sumac.

Ay ñaña, уmatan ricuni!
Ayatachu pacanccanqui?

Alas! what do I see?
Have you hidden a corpse here?


Pitu Salla.

Ymatac caycca ñoccapac
Yma Sumac urpillay!
Cutinpuay cunanllapac
Hampuy, hampuy, Sicllallay.62

What has happened to me?
O Yma Sumac! my Dove!
Return to thyself.
Get well! get well! my Siclla.

Throws a little water in her face, and Yma Sumac comes to herself, hiding behind Pitu Salla.

Ama ñaña manchariychu
Manan ayachu huc huaccha
Ñustan caypi llaquipacha.

Do not fear, my sister,
She who weeps is not a corpse;
It is a Princess who is here.