Page:Ollanta An Ancient Ynca Drama.pdf/97

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Scene I.]

Yma Sumac.

Causanrachu cay huarmicca?

Is that woman still alive?

Pitu Salla.

Asuycamuy yanapahuay
Causanracmi ricuy ccahuay
Hay huarihuay cay unuta
Mattiy cuytacc chay puncuta.

Come near and help me.
See! she is yet alive.
Bring me some water,
And shut well the door.

She throws a little water in Cusi Coyllur's face, who comes to herself.

Sumac Ñusta ymananmi
Caycca unu, caycca micuy
Asllatahuan tiyaricuy
Cunallunmi yayamuni.
(Yaicumuni cunallanmi)

Beautiful Princess, wherefore thus?
Here is water, here is food.
Rest thyself a little;
But now I must be gone.

Yma Sumac.

Pillan canqui sumac urpi
Asllatapas micunihuac
Ychas chayhuan causarihuac.

Who art thou? Beautiful Dove,
Will you not eat a little,
To keep thyself alive?

Cusi Coyllur.

Yma ashuatan munascani
Chica ascca huatamanta
Huc huahuata hahuamanta
Yaycumucta ricuscani.

Here is what most I love.
After so many years,
O my child! my child!
I see thee once more.