Page:Ollanta An Ancient Ynca Drama.pdf/99

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Scene I.]

Ricuy ymaynas causani
Mana ricunichu pita
Cay yana huatay huasipi
Manan ñoccapas samita
Tarinichu cay misquipi
Suyacunin chunca mitta
Huañunayta cay sipipi
Cay quellay huascahuan huatascca
Tucuypatac ni cconccasca
Canri pitac canqui lulu
Chica huarma chica llullu?

That I have lived in this place.
See how I am
In this prison, without a companion.
Here there is no joy.
What pleasure can be here?
Ten times I am ready
To welcome death,
Fastened with chains
And forgotten by all.
But who art thou,
So young and so tender?

Yma Sumac.

Ñoccapas ccantan ccatiqui
Phuticuspa huccacuspa
Ususcanin cay huaspi
Sonccoimi ccanta ricuspa
Ccasucun cay ccascollaypi
Manan mamay yayaicanchu
Manan pipas riccsihuanchu.

I have always sought thee,
Transported with grief:
From the time I was in this house
My heart leapt within me
That I might know thee.
I have no father nor mother,
And know no one as such.

Cusi Coyllur.

Haica huatayocmi canqui?

How old are you?

Yma Sumac.

Millay huatayoccha cani
Cay huasita chiccnicuspa

Perhaps I have many years.
I hate this house,