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gal. Pineda says it is thought to have been invented at Arundel in Sussex, and thence to have its name; this is a very unlikely guess. He calls it "a thing in the shape of a funnel fastened to the thick end of a lance to defend the man's hand." But whoever looks at the representation of a tilting lance will see that the stave itself is shaped like a funnel just at the part where it was held. Roundel seems to have been corrupted from this word by an obvious reference to the form of the thing denoted.

203. If.

There is a curious use of this important little word in that learned author Rod. Gocl. Med. D. & Prof. in. Acad. Marp. . .Reader, if this be not a very clear reference to the author in question, it is Rod. Gocl.'s own fault for not being more explicit in his title page. He tells you that if you should find a stone having engraved upon it the figure of a man with a beard, and a long face,