Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/84

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hold for the prescribed period, and its being therefore apprehended that he had been selected for the purpose of serving as the instrument to promote particular influences. On this occasion another curious exclusion was witnessed. The appointment of Physician-in-Chief was about being conferred on a Dr. Guattani, who is specially mentioned to have been a practitioner of renown, when Cardinal York expressed his father's hope that the Sacred College, in deference to his royal wish, would not make this nomination —a wish which was accordingly acceded to.[1]

The Conclavists constituted and still constitute a corporation conscious of power, and invested with recognised privileges. They have in fact acquired the substantial position which useful subalterns always do acquire. From an early period they appear to have been in the receipt of considerable gratifications, 'which they stoutly exacted, and finally reduced to a legalized tariff.

  1. What may have been the particular ground of complaint against Guattani we have not been able to learn. The Chevalier de St. George enjoyed in Rome all the privileges conceded to a sovereign, and as such recommended Cardinals for nomination; it was to him that Cardinal Tencin owed the red hat, according to the President de Brosses.