Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/85

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Amongst themselves they fixed a formal code of regulations in reference to perquisites, to which every Conclavist was bound to adhere, although such stipulations were distinctly contrary to Papal bulls. It was an established abuse that the cell of the newly-elected Pope should be sacked by the Conclavists, each man carrying off what booty he was lucky enough to secure. This monstrous perquisite was once subjected to reform by the Conclavists meeting on the 13th March 1513 in the Sistine Chapel, and discussing the point as if it were the most canonical right. The determination arrived at is preserved in a very business- like procès-verbal, given in full by Moroni, just as if it had been a legal document, instead of the expression of triumphant license. It was ruled that in lieu of the Pope's cell being offered up to common plunder, it should be the perquisite of his Conclavist on payment by the latter to his colleagues of 1500 ducats in gold, for which these became bound bodily to each other. But a custom of old date, however illegitimate, is not abolished at a blow; and the Conclavists continued their tumultuous and extortionate proceedings without alteration,