Page:On the cultivation of the plants belonging to the natural order of Proteeae.djvu/139

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B. spinulosa. Andr. in Bot. Rep. n. 458. cum Ic. optimâ B. spinulosa Cav. Ic. v. 6. p. 26. t. 537. B. spinulosa. Smith New Holl. p. 13. t. 4. Spinulous Banksia.

This species is not less common than the former in our collections, and as easily propagated. They all succeed best with us in sandy loam well drained, but will not bear confining in small pots. Stem pubescent. Leaves 1 line broad, 1½ to 2 inches long, linear, rolled back at the margin, beyond the middle spinulously serrated, 3-pronged at the top. Stigma club-shaped.

Stylurus. Salisb.

Flores 2-ni; in Spicâ fasciculum simulante, terminali. Bractea 1 ad singula paria, caducæ; gemmaceis infranullis. Petala secunda, a pericarpio intus barbata, limbo cohærentia. Nectarium 1, lunatum. Pericarpion leguminoforme, 1-loculare, 2-valve, persistens. Stigma peltatum dorso caudato. Semina 2, apica alata lateribus involutis. Frutices: foliis simplicibus, latis. Flowers 2 together; in a terminal Spikelike a bundle. A Bracte to each pair, caducous; no gemmaceous ones. petals 1-ranked, bearded within from the pericarpium, cohering at the limb. Nectarium crescent-shaped. Pericarpium like a Pod, 1-locular, 2-valved, persistent. Stigma peltated, its back tailed. Seeds 2, winged at the top, sides rolled in. Shrubs: leaves simple, broad.

The name is derived from στυλοσ εςοσ; the style terminating in a tail behind the stigma.


1. S. foliis 3-5 lineas longis, ovali-lanceolatis, margine valde revolutis: floribus foliis multo altioribus.

Embothrium buxifolium. Kenn. in Bot. Rep. n. 218. cum Ic. Embothrium genianthum. Cav. Ic. v. 4. p. 60. t. 387. Embothrium buxifolium. Smith New. Holl. A specimen of the botany of New Holland/Embothrium buxifolium|p. 29. t. 10.]] Box-leaved Stylurus.