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produce copper-plate engravings from medals, 155.

Internal communication of England and France, 451.
Introduction of metals as currency, 166, c. 14.
Iodine, 460.
Irish flax, 184; evidence of Mr. J. Corry on, ib.
Iron, old, use of, 9; rod, as means of communicating signals, 57; casting from, 106; plate for boilers, punching, 134; tinned, 135; rolling, 144; tanks for ships, 164; waste, 200; cast, 214; bar, ib.; duty on bar, 418.
Italy, proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists in every hundred persons in, 3.
Jack, smoke, 43, 45; for physical experiments, 46.
Jardin des Plantes, models in the, 111.
Jones, Rev. R. extract from Essay on the Distribution of Wealth, 3.

Labour, price of, at Calicut, 2 (note); division of, 217, c. 19; division of mental, 241, c. 20; effect of machinery in reducing the demand for, 404, c. 32.

Lace, made by caterpillars, 158; (see also Additions); single-press, 185; double-press, ib.; machine for patent net, 265; embroidered, 429.

Lace trade, evidence before the House of Commons on, 185; ditto, 347.

Lace-frames, 349.

Lead, waste of, 200; pig, 214, 216.

Leaden toys, 106; pipes, 143.

Leather, embossing on, 122.

Letter-boxes, of post-office, 55.

Letter-copying, 98.

Lettering books, 95.

Letter-press printing, 93.

Letters, conveyance of, 334.

Lime, sulphate of, 51.

Linen-drapery, deceits in, 188.

Lithographic prints, 100, 103.

Liverpool, table of population in, 3; institution for the blind at, 14; signals at, 44.

Load, most advantageous for porters, 33.

Logarithms, great French tables of, 242.

London manufactures at the court of Bello, 2 (note).

Looking-glasses, 199; table of prices of, 206.

Luddites, 281.

Machine, difference between and a tool, 10; to measure length of cotton goods, 66; to register fluctuating forces, 73; Mr. Brunel's to cut veneer, 77; to produce engraving from medals, 155; Mr. John Bates', 155; American pin-making, 239; for weaving patent net, 265.
Machinery and manufactures, sources of the advantages arising from, 1.
Machinery, division of the objects of, 15; advantage of, as a check against inattention, 65; on contriving, 318; proper circumstances for the application of, 329, c. 28; duration of, 340; effect of in reducing the demand for labour, 404, c. 22; exportation of, 437, c. 34; House of Commons' report on export of and tools, 441.
Machines to wind riband and cotton, 35; counting, for carriages, 65; facilities for removing, 282; causes of failure in, 322; let for hire, 346; for bobbin-net, 425; number of bobbin-net in the kingdom, 430.
Making and manufacturing, distinction between, 163, c. 13.
Manchester, table of increase of population in, 3.
Manufactories, method of observing, 160, c. 12; genera] inquiries, ib.; causes and consequences of large, 263, c. 22; position of large, 277, c. 23; inquiries previous to commencing, 298, c. 25.
Manufacturing, on a new system of, 305, c. 26.
Manufacture, cost of each separate process in a, 253, c. 21
Manufactures at the court of Bello, 2 (note); domestic and political economy of, 163, c. 13, s.2; future prospects of, as connected with science, 453, c. 35.